Hiring managers just look at a resume for a few seconds and they have already made a decision whether you are the right person for the position or not. That is why you need to immediately grab their attention on the first few sentences of your resume. Looking for best resume examples will provide you with useful samples that will be useful guides.

Having the correct resume format is very important as doing it wrongly will surely rule you out of contention. The proper format of a resume should include a strong resume summary. As it could be the only thing recruiters read in a resume, be sure to make an effort in crafting a compelling one.

What Is a Resume Summary?

The room at the top of your resume may have been reserved for your Resume Objective. However, some people will argue that the good old resume objective is no longer relevant and should be replaced or omitted entirely. Enter Resume Summary. A resume summary is proposed as a good replacement for the objective statement. It is a concise list of the skills and qualifications that make you the right person for your applied position. It could be one paragraph with a 2 to 5 sentences or written as 4 to 5 bullet points. Make your best pitch when writing the summary. A quick look at these resume summary statement examples will also be helpful.

Benefits of a Resume Summary Statement

There is a debate as to which one is better: a objective statement or a summary statement. There are surely merits to both, and choosing which one to put in your resume ultimately falls on your preferences and which one you think would highlight your qualifications more. Check out these professional summary resumes. Also, here are some benefits of using a summary statement.

  • They state what you have to offer to the company instead of what you’ll get from the company.
  • They highlight your qualifications.
  • They are perfect for targeting the specific position you want.

What to Include in a Resume Summary Statement

The resume summary is your chance to sell yourself to your prospective employer. Be sure to grab their attention by immediately mentioning the skills and qualifications that make you the perfect person for the job. Mention how you being hired will provide benefit to the company. You can also mention achievements that you have made from your previous work experiences so they can truly see your value. These resume objective examples and executive summary resumes would surely help. Below is an attention-grabbing resume summary example that will help you get noticed.

  • Senior marketing manager with 5 years experience in a fast-paced corporate environment. Has initiative and very organized, I have successfully launched and sold new products into the market with dynamic marketing efforts.
  • Expansive experience in leading, relationship-building, and marketing efforts in the company.
  • Has an extensive knowledge of market trends and emergent customer behaviors that is surely useful in the promotion of products and services the company has to offer.


Crafting a good resume summary is hard, but your effort will ultimately be rewarded when you come up with a compelling one. You might need the help of some resume objective examples so you make one that gets you the job.

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