Job experiences may play a big role for a person to land on a job, but skills and competencies are factors that applicants cannot put aside. Your resume has all the information that you need to present for you to be hireable and all details must work for your advantage.

Skills are a set of capabilities and abilities that one person can do. He or she may get it from training, exercises, seminars and other learning experiences.

You may look at our Sample Resumes to give you an example on how your skills shall be highlighted in your resume.

Skills for Nursing Resume Example

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Size: 317 KB


Skills for Customer Service Resume Sample

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Size: 354 KB


Sample Skills for Retail Resume

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Size: 92 KB


Printable Receptionist Skills Resume

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Size: 307 KB


Skills for Sales Resume Format

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  • PDF

Size: 28 KB


Listing your skills does not necessarily mean that you need to write everything that you can do. It especially matters to only put skills in your resume that are usable in a professional working environment. Here are a few reminders when you are writing your skill set at your resume:

  • You need to be able to set apart skills that you need in your life between the skills that you need to achieve work efficiency.
  • Make them precise. There is no need to mention how you acquired that kind of skill or how can it benefit the company you are trying to work at. Just specify the skills that you have and that will be all good.
  • Avoid generic skills or the skills that almost all people can do. Work with what you have and what you can offer to the company so it can set you apart.
  • Do not write skills that you actually do not have.
  • Relate your skills to the company’s nature. Be sure to know what skills are needed by the company then know if you have them so you can put them in your profile.
  • More than the skills that the company requires, you may add skills that you can indirectly use or associate with the company.

Aside from your skills, your job objective will also play a vital role in making your resume complete and saleable to the eyes of your prospective employer. You can have a list of Sample Objectives For Resume at the link provided.

Accounting Technology Skills Resume Example

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Size: 75 KB


Free Skills for Resume Education

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Size: 437 KB


Skills for Functional Resume to Download

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 249 KB


Sample Skills for Resume Cashier

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 44 KB


Professional Resume Skills in Word

File Format
  • DOCX

Size: 11 KB


No matter what skill you have, you need to showcase them so it can add value to your application. A good advice that you can follow is to list all your skills first then assess if they are needed by the work you are applying at.

Make sure that sentence construction and spelling are all correct. Skills can also be written in chronological order. You can write the best skill that you have in front or on top of the others so that the hiring personnel can notice it first.

For others, skills may not be an important factor in applying. But especially on industries that need skills more than experience, it is that thin line that will dictate your fate of being hired or not.

Sample Blank Resumes may help you get the template that you want for the resume that you are creating. Feel free to use ours.

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