What is a resume? A resume is a 1- to 2-page document that contains specific information about a person like their name, age, address, educational background as well as employment history. It is used when applying for a job. Submitting resumes to the company or job you are applying for is a way for the company to know who you are.

The format of a resume is an essential factor in order for you to make that first impression to the company you are applying for. It will also make your resume look professional, neat, and clean. And I can’t think of any other way to make a good impression.

The Best Resume Tips

While there are a lot of resume formats that are available online, it is still best give some time and a lot of thought about the resume that you will be making. For that, you may download resume templates on our website, or if not, you can check out these steps to make the best resume. These are also tips that we have used in making our sample resumes.

  • Decide on what type of resume format you will be using. The right resume format will increase your chances of getting hired for the job you have been aiming for.
  • Set your resume margin 0.5 inches to 1 inch. Setting the same margin size for all sides of your resume will give it a neat framed look.
  • The font style that you should use must be those that are limited to the tradition font styles like Times New Roman or Arial.
  • The font size should also be between size 10 to size 12. Avoid using font sizes that are below 10.
  • If they’re interested in you then they will contact you. So you should include all possible contact information where they can reach you. Don’t you think that is another plus?
  • Another thing to include on your resume is the objective statement. This is a statement about what your goal or objective is as an applicant. Avoid using generic objectives as they will make your resume look common. Your objective should be specific to the job that you are applying for. This will also increase your chances of getting hired.
  • You can also write a summary statement in place of an objective statement.
  • There are set of words that are called resume keywords. They are those words that are used in the job description. It is a simple trick, but it can work wonders.
  • Arrange your resume content in a way that your most recent employment or your most relevant work experience comes first or is provided on top. This way the company will be able to know how qualified you are. If they see it, then they will know.
  • And don’t ever forget to spell-check and proofread your resume. If you want, you can ask help from a professional.


To know more about writing the best resumes, check out our other topics, like Resume Examples for Every Career, Top 10 Tips for Effective Resumes, and Writing a One-Page Resume.

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