Volunteering for the society is probably the most satisfying job a person could have. It may not be a paying job, but the experience you would gain is priceless. No one could ever replace the joy of lending a hand to those unfortunate ones who truly needed your help. However, engaging in such activity would take passion and commitment as it is certainly not an easy task to do.

In order to endorse yourself for a volunteering job, one must follow through the process such as submitting your Sample Resumes, government papers, and undergo a panel of interviews, just like any other job applications.

Sample Hospital Volunteer Resume

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Size: 6 KB


Volunteer Work Resume Example

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Size: 6 KB


School Volunteer Resume

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Size: 6 KB


Volunteer Coordinator Resume

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Size: 6 KB


Church Volunteer Resume Format

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Size: 6 KB


Types of Volunteer Work

  • Hospital Staff

Most likely, they work like any other staff in the hospital. Fresh graduates are usually the ones who undergo with this type. Depending on the job, the establishment, they usually do not get paid for their service, but instead they will be given a certificate for it.

  • Nonprofit Organizations Volunteer

PETA, Red Cross, WWF, and Habitat for Humanity are just examples of the world’s famous nonprofit organization. Volunteers on these specialized organizations are very passionate about their cause and these people are the true embodiment of a humanitarian.

  • Civil Service Intern

These are the volunteers who worked for the government. They are most likely the junior assistants of prominent society leaders, or perhaps intern staff on a certain government department. They are more likely the aspiring official civil workers.

  • Social Workers

They are somewhat similar with the civil service interns, but they are more engaged on the operations. Their job involves government activities such as outreach programs.

  • Common Creatives Distributor

Common Creatives is an online nonprofit organization that shares free legal information and tools intended for educational and creative project purposes. They gather all the artists around the world who were willing to share their talents for free. The volunteers consists of photographers, videographers, graphic designers, illustrators, writers, and even musicians. If you are a creative individual who wants to share your work, then you can join in their bandwagon.

If you are interested in applying for a volunteer work, you need to work on your requirements and one of them is to create a resume. If you want ideas for your next draft, you can check out Sample Blank Resumes, but if you’re someone who wants to work as an intern at a fire department, the Sample Firefighter Resumes definitely suits your need.

Volunteer Resume Example in PDF

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Size: 979 KB


Entry Level Volunteer Resume

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Size: 215 KB


Volunteer Skills for Resume

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Size: 215 KB


Volunteer Experience Resume

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Size: 454 KB


Volunteer Resume Cover Letter

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  • DOC

Size: 3 KB


Things to Consider When Writing Your Volunteer Resume

  • Personal Data

I know this sounds cliche, but we all know that this is the most important part of any resume. However, just write down short but important information such as your full name, birth date, birthplace, current address, and age. Most likely this kind of resume does not require much personal information.

  • Personal Statement

Usually this elaborates about your objectives and interest in working with the chosen organization.

  • Academic Records

If you are still a student, you are likely to be asked of your academic transcripts. It is part of the identification process as an indication of your student status.

  • Work Experience

If you already have work experience, you are required to write down the companies you have been affiliated with. This as well indicates your status as a working citizen.

  • Volunteer Experience

If you already have a volunteer experience, you have to list down the organization you have been affiliated with and state the years of service.

If you want to apply for a volunteer work, you can use this Federal Resume Examples as a guide on your next draft.

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