When applying for jobs, your main goal is to ensure that you stand out from the crowd. This can be achieved by making sure that your resume is intriguing and includes all of the necessary information to prove to the potential employer that you are a good match for the available position. By ensuring that your resume is complete, it would be easier for the hiring manager to gauge whether or not you will be invited for an interview.

In this article, we will show you a simple guide to creating your own resume and what are the important things that you should always include in them to make them effective. Keep reading to find out more!

Creating an Effective Resume

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This document will give you a good glimpse as to what goes into a resume in order to make it an effective one. Remember that when your resumes are considered to be effective, the chances of getting an interview invite is high.

Guide to Writing Resumes, CVs, and Cover Letters

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This document is an all-in-one guide for How to Write Effective Letters for Job Searching. Everything that you need to know about resumes, CVs, and cover letters can be found here.

How to Write a Professional Resume

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When you want your resumes to look top-notch and professional, you can definitely refer to this document. This will provide you tips and tricks in drafting your very own professional resume templates.

Contents of a Resume

What you put in your resume is all up to you and will also depend on your experience level and skills. However, there are a few key information that you should never forget to include on your resume whether you’re a fresher or a professional. This list will serve as guidelines for what to include in a resume.

  • Updated contact information. Your contact information should be found at the very top part of the resume. This will include your name, phone numbers, email address, and a link to your professional profile. If you happen to have two phone numbers, only include the one that you use most often.
  • Keywords. Read the job posting over and over again. List down a few keywords that you think is relatable to you and try to incorporate these in your resume. This will give the employer the impression that you know who they are looking for and that you are that person.
  • Qualifications, skills, and achievements. These are the most important ones of all time. This is the part of the resume that is thought to be crucial as this is the part where the hiring manager will closely look at. It is the tool that will be used to see if you are aligned with what it is they are looking for.
  • Summary statement. resume summary is the part where you let the hiring manager know what it is that you aim for and what you can offer to them with the skills and achievements you have acquired.
  • Employment History. Always include what your previous work was and what your role was in that company. It is best to start in a chronological manner (latest one going backward) and also include the inclusive number of years you have worked with the company.


Resume Verbs

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Resume verbs are great to incorporate in your resumes. This list of verbs can be used to describe the skills and qualifications you possess in order to make your resume more dynamic and unique.

Preparing Resumes and Writing Cover Letters

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This document will give an advice when it comes to analyzing the job posting and gauging whether you are a good fit for the position or not. This will be helpful especially for freshers and entry-level job seekers.

Resume Guides

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This document will be of amazing help for job seekers who are looking into making their resumes stand out from the crowd. It even has Examples on How to Write an Amazing Resume Summary, which is great!

Resume Guidelines

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This is a step-by-step guide that you can use in creating your very own resume. It even gives a description of a good simple resume format to ease your confusion when it comes to formatting your resumes.

Resumes and Cover Letters

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Resumes and cover letters go hand in hand when it comes to job applications. This document will help you draft not only an exemplary resume but also an outstanding resume cover letter.

Resumes for Undergraduates

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The sample high school and college student resume templates that you will find in this document will be of big help when it comes to landing internships and part-time jobs.

Remember that what you write in your resume is more about the things that you want to achieve and where you want to go in the next few years. Following good resume formats and condensing the content to the most important one will help you do just that. Good luck!

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