In applying for a job, a resume is always a requirement. It is your ticket to landing the job. But what is a resume? A resume is where your employer assesses your background and experiences based on the job qualification. Without a resume, the chance of you being hired for a job is very low. With this said, being able to create your own resume is a necessity.

You should know the proper format of a resume so you can make a professional and organized resume. A one-page resume will already suffice for you only need to indicate the important details of your career background.

Modern One-Page Resume Format

Creating a one-page resume is convenient and easy to do. Simply gather the important details regarding your career details and collate them together. A modern one-page resume format only contains the necessary and recent information regarding your personal background and experiences. If you’re unsure what a one-page resume looks like, sample one-page resumes are useful guides for the key features of a resume. On the other hand, basic resume format helps you in applying the right format for your one-page resume.

Things to Include in a One-Page Resume

In making a resume, guidelines for resume should be followed to come up with a formal and proper resume. Resume profile examples can also be your reference for your resume.

A one-page resume comprises of the following elements.

  • Personal Background: This is where you state a brief overview about yourself. This includes your complete name, address, contact number, and e-mail. No need to list down unnecessary details, only state the essential ones.
  • Personal and Technical Skills: Indicate the skills you have that you can offer to the company. Make sure to specify them one by one. It’s good to be more detailed on this part because your employers would want to know your contribution to the company.
  • Educational Background: Write the schools you attended including the year you graduated. Some employers are keen to the schools you’ve attended because they are curious about your training ground.
  • Awards and Achievements: The awards and achievements you have acquired are all written here. Enumerate everything you have accomplished for the employers will surely review this part. Furthermore, you have more advantage than the other applicants if your credentials are really good.
  • Work Experiences: Your previous work experiences are indicated here. However, if you’re a fresh graduate, no need to state anything. Just be honest with your employer about your experience status.


If you’re a fresh graduate and doubtful of your knowledge about the essential characteristics of a resume, basic resume samples can be of great assistance to you.

Benefits of a One-Page Resume

A one-page resume is beneficial to any job applicant because it’s concise and convenient to do. You don’t need to write long descriptions to your resume. You are only required to indicate the important details needed by the employer. Likewise, the employer also finds a one-page resume valuable because it’s easy to read and direct to the point.

There are different tips for effective resumes that can aid you in making your resume. Should you want to know the right resume for your career, resume examples for every career offers great resume examples that are suitable for every career profession.

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