10+ Monthly Cash Budget Samples
Are you a small business owner? If you are, you must know that having a cash budget is critical for your business. It enables a business to determine the amount of credit it may give to consumers without running into liquidity issues. A cash budget helps a business avoid running out of cash during periods when it has a lot of costs. If you need some help with this, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we provide you with free and ready-made samples of Monthly Cash Budgets in PDF and DOC formats that you could use for your business. Keep on reading to find out more!
1. Free Monthly Cash Budget Template

2. Monthly Cash Budget Under Sales & Collection
3. Monthly Cash Income Budget Worksheet
4. Six Month Cash Projection & Budget
5. Monthly Income Cash in your Budget
6. Monthly Cash Flow Plan Budget
7. Monthly Cash Budget Exercise
8. Analysing the Monthly Cash Budget
9. Sample Monthly Cash Budget
10. Monthly Cash Reconciliation Budget Expenditure Report
11. Monthly Company Cash Budget
What Is a Monthly Cash Budget?
A cash budget is a document created to assist a company in managing its cash flow. A cash budget is created ahead of time and lists all of the anticipated monthly cash incomings as well as any anticipated cash outgoings. This will enable the company to plan ahead and secure additional financing, such as a bank overdraft.
How to Make Monthly Cash Budget
To stay sustainable, businesses must make sure they have enough cash on hand to meet their responsibilities. A Monthly Cash Budget Template can help provide you with the framework you need to ensure that you have a well-prepared and robust proposal on hand. To do so, you can choose one of our excellent templates listed above. If you want to write it yourself, follow these steps below to guide you:
1. Set a time limit.
Set your time range and be ready to gather all the essential facts for that period, depending on whether you’re writing this statement for yourself or to secure finance. Many firms anticipate on a monthly basis, but some may require cash flow information on a more frequent basis, such as weekly or biweekly.
2. Make a sales projection.
How much money do you anticipate bringing in each month? This might be based on previous months, years, or predicted sales estimates. Then, for each month of the year, plot out your estimated sales prediction. Remember that actual sales and market changes, as well as new consumers added to your client list, may cause volatility.
3. Set a cash flow balance that is at a minimum.
How much cash will you require each month? To meet all costs and avoid being in a cash flow deficit, you’ll need a minimal starting point. Examine your prediction to see whether any month during the year is expected to go below this threshold.
4. Prepare and evaluate a cash flow statement for your company.
Examine how your company’s cash flowed in the past to forecast the future. Examine how your company spends and collects money by opening a month-by-month cash flow statement.
How do we figure out our monetary budget?
The cash budget begins with a starting cash balance, to which cash inflows are added to create cash available. The cash balance before financing is calculated by subtracting the period’s cash outflows.
How do we figure out our monetary budget?
The cash budget begins with a starting cash balance, to which cash inflows are added to create cash available. The cash balance before financing is calculated by subtracting the period’s cash outflows.
What is the definition of a personal cash budget?
Anyone who wants to know where their money is going can benefit from a Personal Cash Budget. These will assist you in determining how your money is spent.
Overall, the budget identifies areas where your company may be short on cash to fulfill key expenditures such as staff wages, debt payments, and unexpected expenses. To help you get started, download our easily customizable and comprehensive samples of Monthly Cash Budgets today!
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