When an owner wishes to start a project, one very important matter has to be considered which is the budget. But in order to check if it is feasible to start the construction with the proposed budget on hand, it is important to ask for a construction quote or price quotation. A quotation involves checking at the rates to see if the owner will be able to afford it, and if the resources indicated will be able to match the project’s goals, requirements, and design. Normally, a quotation such as this is provided by a designated contractor sometimes as part of a bid. Where the owners and their team review and choose who is most suitable. To learn how to prepare this particular quotation, let us discuss this further below. And if you need any help, check out our free construction quote samples that are downloadable on this page.

10+ Construction Quote Samples

1. Construction Quote

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 102 KB


2. Construction Price Quote

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 236 KB


3. Construction Request for Quote Forms

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 9 KB


4. Construction Project Request for Quote

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 271 KB


5. Construction Competitive Quote

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 725 KB


6. Sample Construction Quote

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 386 KB


7. Simple Construction Quote

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 61 KB


8. Construction Remodel Quote

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 197 KB


9. Commercial Construction Quote

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 274 KB


10. Construction Lab Equipment Quote

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 170 KB


11. Printable Construction Quote

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 43 KB


What Is a Construction Quote?

Building a new house or a massive bridge can be quite expensive, so budgeting is one of the keys to its success. And to make sure the owner or the management has the right amount of funds to support such a project they need to know how much it would cost and how long should it take. Being on schedule can also help control the funds. This is why included in every project plan is to secure a construction quote or construction quotation.

A construction quotation is a document or a type of proposal that shows the prices/rates of the different resources needed to complete the project. Before the contractor submits their quotation it is important that the owner forwards a list of specific requirements so the contractor can be able to quote accordingly. Take note that not everything is fixed in the proposal, some may be estimates due to the fact that there may be a fluctuation in the market depending on the economy. And construction projects are sometimes known to start later than intended.

How To Create a Construction Quote

Creating a construction quote can be a complicated and time-consuming process. Contractors do not have everything ready on the table, they too must check on their suppliers and other business partners to be able to complete their own quotation. So preparing one may take time and a lot of effort. And there is also that matter of trying to convince the project owner to choose your company over others. Winning a project is an important opportunity for any contractor in the business, so it is critical for them to get this quotation right and should be able to match the client’s expectations. To create a winning construction quote here are several tips that may help you.

1. Go Over the Requirements

Before you can start working on the quotation it is important to review the client’s requirements. Make sure you understand what they need and their goals. You also need to know the overview of the project so you can be able to match your quotation to the project. The project’s deadline is also important, if you are aware of the schedule this can be of help to the proposal you are about to prepare.

2. Start Your Quotation

Once you’ve got all the details you need for the quotation you may begin creating one. Look for templates you can follow through, like the ones we have available for download on the page. But if you wish to personalize the document you may opt to start from scratch and open up a Microsoft Excel software and begin from there.

3. Company Details

To make sure the client is able to identify who submitted the proposal, it is important to put down your company’s details such as the business name, address, contact number, and the name of the one who prepared the document. Make sure you are able to also properly address whom you shall be submitting the document by including their details as well.

4. Description of Job / Cost of Materials and Equipment

The main body of the proposals is all about what you need to quote. It is important you properly organize each category when creating the quotation. Provide the proper breakdown of cost from the job or tasks that you need to do, to the different resources such as labor, materials, and equipment with the corresponding cost.

5. Estimates

It is important to advise if some of the costs indicated in the document are fixed or estimates so the client will know what to expect.

6. Payment Methods, Terms and Conditions

Indicate what are your terms and conditions regarding the payment process and what kind of methods do you prefer. Do you need an initial deposit? Or should your company be paid per milestone? Don’t forget to also indicate the billing process.

7. Expiration Date

It is important that you need to indicate when the rates in the quotation would expire, especially it is a given that prices tend to change a lot in this industry.

8. Signature and Date

Make sure to affix your signature and the date on which the quotation has been created in the last portion of the document. You will need to also create a blank area where the client can do the same, in the event they choose your quotation.


What Is a Contractor?

This is an entity that provides a construction project with the materials, labor, service, and other important matters needed in the project.

What is the purpose of Price Quotations?

The reason for price quotations is to give the client an idea on how much would be spent on a particular product or service. This will also give them a chance to compare prices.

Can Quotations change anytime?

Of course, they are always subject to change, most especially if the item has not yet been availed or if the service has not yet been used. The economy plays a major role when it comes to fluctuations, so it is important to let your client know that rates can change anytime without prior notice.

A construction quotation is one of the determining factors that can help your company win a construction project, which is why it is important to prepare a well-designed and detailed quotation for your client. To make it easier for you to create one, download our templates now!


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