Affidavits are written statements that confirms a certain fact and can be used in court. Many require the use of affidavit forms of all different types for many reasons. On this list, you will find all kinds of different affidavit forms that can be used for certain different occasions.

We offer to you 24+ sample affidavit forms that you can download to either use for yourself or as reference into making your own affidavit form. Our website really does offer many different types of forms that you can use, other than just affidavits. We also offer to you these printable release forms. You can check it out if you are interested.

Address Affidavit Forms

Verification of Address

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Size: 36 KB


Address Change

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Size: 13 KB


Address Proof

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Size: 2 KB


Witness Affidavit Forms

Credible Witness

File Format
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Size: 4 KB


Marriage Witness

File Format
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Size: 68 KB


Financial Affidavit Forms

Family Law Financial Affidavit

File Format
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Size: 481 KB


Financial Disclosure Affidavit

File Format
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Size: 30 KB


Notary Affidavit Forms

Notary Public Affidavit

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 4 KB


Notary Affidavit for Correction

File Format
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Size: 32 KB


What Is an Affidavit Form Exactly?

An affidavit form is a written statement of any kind that can serve as proof of oath from somebody. These affidavits can be used in court as proof or evidence in court for a certain issue. We have many different types of affidavit that you can choose from, depending on what it is exactly that you need them for.

An affidavit is only one type of form you can use however. Our website offers many different types of forms that you might want to have a look at to see if you can use them. Take a look at these agreement forms for examples. They are like an affidavit, but without all the legalities and function more as a form of receipt that an agreement was made between two or more parties.

What Can You Use Affidavit Forms For?

Affidavits are mostly used for legal matters, usually in court.

They can be relatively about anything, really. Many people use them for their own personal reasons. These affidavit are used to show to court proofs regarding a certain fact. For example, you may get an affidavit from the homeowner to prove that you did rent the house you are living in. Having an affidavit can save you from very big amounts of trouble.

To take note of: even police officers must file affidavit to give to judges so they can get a search warrant. You can kind of get a sense of why it’s important to have an affidavit from this statement alone. When making an affidavit, one should always take a lot of consideration before starting.

What Does an Affidavit Consists of?

  • The oath that represents statement of facts for the affiant – in terms easy to understand, it’s the body of the affidavit if an affidavit was a letter addressed to somebody. This is the section where all of the details of what the affidavit is being written for is located.
  • The signature of the affiant – probably the most notable part of the affidavit. This is so that there is confirmation of the person signing the affidavit is in acknowledgment that he understood all of what the affidavit consists of.
  • Confirmation of an authorized officer to administer that the oath has been signed in the presence of that officer – this is to really confirm that the person who signed the affidavit did agree to all of what the affidavit consisted of without foul play of any kind.


As long as you have these three up above, you should be able to make an affidavit rather easily. It’s very important that you have all three to make sure that you are writing the affidavit properly.

There are a few things you should take note of however:

  • In order to make your affidavit legal in terms, it has to be signed in front of an authorized officer, otherwise it will be invalid.
  • Your affidavit cannot really be an affidavit if there is no oath administered on the affidavit itself.


We hope that this list is a big help in helping you make your affidavit forms. We truly hope that our advice is helpful to you and that you will continue to use our website for any other forms that you need.

Sworn Affidavit Forms

Sworn Affidavit Form Sample

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Size: 17 KB


Example Sworn Affidavit Form

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Size: 28 KB


General Affidavit Forms

Notarized General Affidavit

File Format
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Size: 20 KB


General Affidavit of Fact

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Size: 105 KB


Gift Affidavit Forms

Recurring Gift Affidavit

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Size: 23 KB


Gift Tax Affidavit

File Format
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Size: 48 KB


Name Affidavit Forms

Same Name Affidavit

File Format
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Size: 4 KB


Name Change Affidavit

File Format
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Size: 124 KB


Counter Affidavit Forms

Reply to Counter Affidavit Form

File Format
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Size: 237 KB


Court Counter Affidavit Form

File Format
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Size: 61 KB


Personal Affidavit Forms

Personal Property Tax Affidavit

File Format
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Size: 219 KB


Personal Service Affidavit Form

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Size: 9 KB


Estate Affidavit Forms

Small Estate Affidavit

File Format
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Size: 213 KB


Sample Estate Affidavit

File Format
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Size: 213 KB


Tips When Writing Your Own Affidavit

When writing your own affidavit, it can be advised to take it into very high consideration and think of all the things you need first before writing one. You may find that the affidavit you wrote is invalid and cannot be used. You wouldn’t want to go through all the effort for nothing, would you?

  • Make sure to actually write an oath. This is the very purpose of an affidavit. You should only write the truth and nothing but the truth. You can be held accountable in court if you write any false affidavits. It is a criminal offense.
  • Get yourself an authorized officer first before beginning to write you affidavit. If you write an affidavit without the presence of an authorized officer, i.e. a notary public. Make sure to remember this step if you are planning to present this in court for reasons.


Once you learn how to properly make an affidavit, you should have no trouble in making one. We just want to make sure that you are prepared for when you are making one of your own or giving advice to someone else who’s signing an affidavit.

Why Is an Affidavit Important?

Affidavit are important for reasons of the court. They can present themselves as evidence, or testimonies if you will, that a person is indeed making an oath that what he is saying is true. An affidavit can be a sworn statement about anything that the court needs, whether it’s to swear that you witnessed something or to swear that someone was with you the entire time they are being suspected of an act.

However, you should know that there are massive consequences to forging an affidavit. If found out that an affidavit is false, one could be sentenced to prison for up to five years. It may be important to take note of this fact.

Why You Should Use the Affidavit Forms We Offer to You

We’ve really put quite the effort into making sure that you can make an affidavit of your own without much trouble. The sample affidavit forms that we present to you can really give you everything that you need to know when writing and formatting an affidavit yourself. They are used in court, so you should already be quite aware of just how serious they tend to be.

This list also offers some critical advice when writing your affidavit. We really want to make sure that you’re getting what you need in order to write affidavit in a way that you won’t make any mistakes and wind up wasting your efforts.

As long as you follow the format and advice of what we presented up above, then you should have little to no trouble at all when you are making your affidavit. Remember that we are always eager to help you. If you are interested in more forms that we offer other than just these affidavit forms, then we also have these sample contracts so that you can properly know the format of a contract. Our samples are available in PDF and DOC formats, and they should be easy to use and edit.

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