Drafting a written contract is never an easy task. In fact, advice from legal counsels or attorneys are recommended in order to ensure that the contract you create is enforceable and does not jeopardize you or your business. However, with the help of our Agreement Examples, conjuring a written agreement is the least of your problems. We offer a wide array of written contracts and agreements that will cater to your need.

A written agreement is also commonly dubbed as a contract. The contents of an agreement will normally vary according to how it is intended to be used or for what purpose it may serve. A prenuptial agreement, for example, is a written contract that is made by a couple before they bind themselves into marriage. Prenuptial agreements typically deal with the division of each spouse’s respective assets should the marriage be doomed to fail.

Loan agreement Form Samples

Personal Loan Agreement Form

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Size: 69 KB


Business Loan Agreement Form

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Size: 335 KB


Standard Loan Agreement Form

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Size: 9 KB


Equipment Loan Agreement Form

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Size: 60 KB


Customer agreement Forms

Customer Satisfaction Agreement Form

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Size: 55 KB


Buyer Customer Service Agreement Form

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Size: 87 KB


Contract Agreement Forms

Contract Payment Agreement Form

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Size: 18 KB


Volunteer Agreement Forms

Volunteer Service Agreement Form

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Size: 210 KB


Sample Volunteer Agreement Form

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Size: 204 KB


Volunteer Agreement Form Example

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Size: 368 KB


Rental Agreement Forms

Room Rental Application Form

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Size: 320 KB


House Rental Application Form

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Size: 56 KB


Youth Private Rental Access Program Application Form

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Size: 94 KB


Residential Rental Application Form

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Size: 96 KB


Blank Rental Application Form

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Size: 118 KB


Tenant Rental Application Form

File Format
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Size: 137 KB


Loan Agreements

A loan agreement is a written contract between a borrower and a lender that stipulates the terms that have been agreed upon by each party. Anything that involves money, especially lending money to a borrower, is a serious form of transaction and should not be taken lightly.

Prior to entering into a loan agreement, the borrower must first make representations that proves his creditworthiness, the reliability of his character, his cash flow, or any form of collateral available to him that may be used as a security pledge for the repayment of a loan. As soon as the eligibility of the borrower is confirmed, a loan agreement is then created to formalize the transaction.

Loan agreements are written and legally binding contracts that signifies the formality of the loan process. Loan agreement contracts vary according to use and purpose, the options of a written agreement could range from simple promissory notes between friends and family members to more elaborate contracts used for auto loans, credit cards, mortgage, etc.

What Constitutes a Loan Agreement?

The terms and conditions laid out for the repayment of a loan will depend on the type of loan being made and should be based on laws and guidelines set forth by both the state and the federal government to make sure that interest rates for repayment are not illegally or excessively charged. Below are the basic details that should be instilled in a loan agreement:

  • The parties to the contracts and their addresses
  • Definitions or interpretation provisions
  • Facility and purpose of the loan
  • Condition pertaining to the use of the loan
  • Repayment terms
  • Terms of prepayment and cancellation
  • Interest
  • Interest periods
  • Payment terms
  • Borrower representations
  • Lender representations
  • Borrower covenants
  • Terms of default and remedying defaults
  • Terms for penalties
  • Terms for liquidated damages
  • Formula for calculating payments, repayments, and interests
  • Provisions set for lender’s fees
  • Provisions for expenses
  • Provisions for securitization
  • Amendments and waivers
  • Covenants pertaining to amendments of parties
  • Clauses in the event of a set-off
  • Counterpart clause
  • Addresses for notices
  • Provisions for language, forum selection, and choice of law
  • Process agent options


When creating any form or type of loan agreement contract, covenants, interest rates, terms and conditions, duration of the loan, and default terms need to be properly detailed to avoid a disarray of facts or possible legal disputes.

Lease Agreements

You may decide that owning your own home can cost a lot and you are not up for the commitment of having to pay huge amounts of money for mortgage. In times like these, renting or leasing a property is usually the best solution there is.

A person who owns a leased or a rental property is referred to as the landlord or the lessor while a person who rents a leased or a rental property is referred to as the tenant or the lessee.

A lease is a written contract that is made between a tenant and a landlord when the tenant wishes to convey a property for a specific period of time or for a duration of time that is determinable by either the tenant or the landlord in exchange for rent or other form of compensation.

Written lease agreements are not particularly mandated by law. In fact, most states recognize oral agreements made for a lease or rental transactions. Written lease and rental agreements, however, enable the tenant to clearly lay out the terms and conditions that revolve around a lease or a rental. It allows proper definition of obligations and rights of both the lessor and the lessee.

Business Agreement Form Samples

Business Loan Agreement Form

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Size: 335 KB


Business Associate Agreement Form

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Size: 68 KB


Consignment Agreement Forms

Sample Consignment Agreement Form

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Size: 112 KB


Vehicle Consignment and Sales Agreement Form

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Size: 2 MB


Standard Consignment Agreement Form

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Size: 85 KB


Confidentiality Agreement Forms

Mutual Confidentiality Agreement Form

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Size: 93 KB


School Staff Confidentiality Agreement Form

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Size: 121 KB


Student Confidentiality Agreement Form

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Size: 24 KB


Employee Agreement Forms

Employment Contract Agreement Form

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Size: 14 KB


Employee Payroll Direct Deposit Agreement Form

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Size: 384 KB


Sales Agreement Forms

Account Information and Sales Agreement Form

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Size: 98 KB


Bid Form and Sales Agreement Form

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Size: 46 KB


Sales Agreement Form Example

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Size: 492 KB


What Are the Benefits of Signing a Lease?

Written lease agreements can benefit both the tenant and the landlord. Below are some reasons why:

1. Offers Security to Both Parties – A lease agreement can benefit the landlord in way that it offers security of tenancy. The same way goes for the tenant since signing a lease means that the rental unit will technically belong to them until the lease ends. If you are a tenant, then this can be befitting for you since it allows you to treat your dwelling place as your own. You can customize and decorate your area as you wish.

2. Controlled Rental Period – Another good thing about leases is that its duration lasts for a long period of time. This means that resource costs are fixed and that you do not have to worry about sudden rental increases or rental fees due to economic fluctuations until your lease is up.

3. Protected Rights – Lastly, leases offer protection of a landlord and a tenant’s rights. Because leases allow landlords to properly enumerate the terms and obligations of both parties, each one is entitled to his own rights. For instance, landlords can notify tenants of terms relating to security deposits, advanced deposits, and repairs made if the damage to the property was incurred by a tenant. Tenants, on the other hand, can exercise their right to privacy, to the cost-free maintenance of the property, and other legal rights that have been stipulated in the contract.

Confidentiality Agreement

If you are a businessman or an entrepreneur, you know that business involves a lot of social interaction with different types of people, most of whom you conduct business with. Interaction can transpire between you and your clients, business partners, shareholders, suppliers, and vendors.

While mingling and interacting with people is a good form of marketing strategy, it also involves a lot of potential risks related to the leakage or sharing of confidential company information or trade secrets.

Confidentiality agreements play a major role in ensuring that your most kept business secrets and information are handled and maintained in the strictest way possible. Using confidentiality agreements or non-disclosure agreements when conducting business, you will be able to narrow down the chances of putting your information on the line.

There are many likely cases where it might be fitting to sign a confidentiality agreement. In any case, the most important circumstances are those in which you wish to pass on something important about your business or your ideas, yet at the same time you need to guarantee or assurance that the opposite side doesn’t take the information or utilize it without your endorsement.

Here are some usual circumstances where you might need to utilize a non-disclosure agreement or a confidentiality agreement:

  • Exhibiting a creation or a business idea to a potential partner, investor, or merchant.
  • Demonstrating another item or innovation to an imminent purchaser or licensee.
  • Accepting services from an organization or person who may have entry to some sensitive data in giving those services.
  • Providing consent to employees or staff workers to access classified and restrictive data related to your business over the span of their employment.
  • Sharing money-related information, promotional strategies, and other data with a prospective purchaser of your business.

Job Application Form Samples

College Job Application Form

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Size: 269 KB


Employee Job Application Form

File Format
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Size: 167 KB


Lease Agreement Forms

Residential Lease Agreement Form

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Size: 82 KB


Standard Commercial Lease Agreement Form

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Size: 342 KB


Extension of Lease Agreement

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Size: 43 KB


Non-Disclosure Agreement Form

Non-Disclosure Confidentiality Agreement Form

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Size: 22 KB


Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement Short Form

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Size: 137 KB


Basic Non-Disclosure Agreement Request Form

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Size: 186 KB


Partnership Agreement Forms

General Partnership Agreement Form

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Size: 179 KB


Business Partnership Agreement Form

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Size: 80 KB


Partnership Dissolution Agreement Form

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Size: 18 KB


Purchase Agreement Forms

Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement Form

File Format
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Size: 127 KB


Lease Purchase Agreement Form

File Format
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Size: 123 KB


Land Purchase Agreement Form

File Format
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Size: 216 KB


Vendor Agreement Form Samples

Residential Registered Vendor Agreement Form

File Format
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Size: 560 KB


Standard Vendor Agreement Form

File Format
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Size: 193 KB


Vendor Application Agreement Form

File Format
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Size: 471 KB


Sample Lease Agreement in MS Word

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 12 KB



Separation Agreement

In a world where nothing lasts forever, where promises are made to be broken, and where love is a choice, separation can be inevitable. When you and your spouse are contemplating on a divorce and would like to be legally separated after having formally discussed and negotiated on the division of your assets, then you will need a separation agreement.

A separation agreement by definition is a contract between spouses who are separating and have settled issues relating to joint, family, or conjugal resources, support, and child liabilities. Our free sample separation agreement forms will help save you from the hassle of having to construct a contract from scratch. Our templates are free, printable, and downloadable for your convenience.

When Should I Use a Separation Agreement?

A separation agreement form is typically used in any of the following instances:

1. When a couple is seriously contemplating on filing for a divorce but would like to be legally separated before any final decisions are made on the divorce.
2. When a couple has considered legal separation and would like to establish terms and conditions prior to the actual division of assets and properties.

What Are the Requirements of a Separation Agreement?

Separation agreements are legally binding and should therefore conform to specific rules and requirements such as:

1. Separation agreements have to be written contracts.
2. Both parties have to willfully affix their signatures and should be signed in the presence of a witness.
3. If one term of an agreement is void, only that specific term becomes void and not the rest of the agreement.
4. Each party should seek or receive independent legal advice.
5. Each party’s signature must be witnessed by a solicitor, who must certify that the effect and implications of the agreement were explained to the signing party.

To formalize a separation agreement, full disclosure of assets have to be listed down as well as responsibilities tied to them, values, and other details.

  • Marital Home

The agreement should indicate steps and measure on what to do with the property you have been living in. Some couples settle on giving full ownership of the property to one party, while others opt to sell it and divide the proceeds.

  • Business and Financial Assets

Business and financial assets cover the amount of money that needs to be settled in order to achieve sole ownership of assets by each party.

  • Child Support

Another aspect of a separation agreement is the issue on child support. Child support is the amount of money provided by the parent who has the least amount of time with the child to the parent who has the most amount of time with the child. Child support is usually given every month and depends on the income of each parent.

  • Spousal Support

Spousal support is the amount of money the other spouse gives to help finance that person’s daily living expenses.

  • Parental Rights

Parental rights is co-related with child support and ensures that both parents will do their best to maintain a good relationship with their children.

Just because you and your ex are in the process of a separation does not mean you do not have to be civil with each other. A separation agreement will help maintain peaceful relationships between you and your spouse. Download our separation agreements and other agreement forms now.

Non-Compete Agreement

Non-compete agreements or non-compete clauses are necessary in a business contract to protect the company from losing key clients, to maintain the confidentiality of corporate information, and to ensure that employees do not leave quickly or work for competitors, rendering the training spent by the company on them to be useless.

A non-compete agreement is a contract or a clause wherein one party agrees not to enter or start a similar profession or trade in competition against another party for a specific period of time. A non-compete agreement may be a clause incorporated within a business or Executive Employee Contract or it could exist as a totally different entity

Successful businesses and companies do not happen overnight. They require a lot of hard work and tremendous effort pertaining to business and marketing strategies. It is absolutely normal to want to protect it and guarantee that the company you have worked so hard for does not crumble into pieces. Constructing a strong, carefully tailored agreement forms can give you to the best weapon to protect and secure your business interests.

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