The intake process is an essential component of the customer lifecycle. The law firm sales process is essentially a sequence of processes that must be followed to turn prospects into paying clients. Despite its significance, few law firms have focused their efforts on improving their intake process to enhance the client experience, make it more efficient, or increase conversion rates. A sloppy intake procedure can lead to disarray, wasted effort, and income loss when potential clients fall through the cracks. Law firms can enhance their conversion rate and marketing ROI while also enhancing client happiness by streamlining the intake process.

10+ Client Intake Samples

In legal firms, client intake relates to the procedure of onboarding new clients and gathering the personal information required to begin their legal cases. For solo and small firm attorneys, the client intake procedure can be a time-consuming endeavor. It’s usually one that can’t be billed. A simplified client intake is essential for establishing a great impression on clients and maintaining your office running smoothly, whether you’re just starting out or have a long-established practice.

1. Client Intake

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


2. Sample Client Intake

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 156 KB


3. Clint Intake Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 292 KB


4. New Client Intake Form

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  • PDF

Size: 71 KB


5. New Client Intake Paperwork

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  • PDF

Size: 199 KB


6. Simple Client Intake

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  • PDF

Size: 720 KB


7. Client Intake Packet

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  • PDF

Size: 133 KB


8. Healthcare Client Intake

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  • PDF

Size: 571 KB


9. Client Intake for Paralegal

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  • PDF

Size: 213 KB


10. Client Intake Record

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  • PDF

Size: 12 KB


11. Standard Client Intake

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 62 KB


Stages of Effective Client Intake

Acquiring and nurturing leads

When you acquire a “lead,” also known as a “possible new client” in the legal profession, the client intake phase started. Leads can come in the form of referrals, media advertising, website traffic, or a plethora of other sources. They could call, email, fill out a communication form on your website, or come from a commercial lead generation agency. Your customer intake process should start as soon as you receive the first phone call, email, or contact form entry, regardless of the origin or mode of contact.

Scheduling a consultation

Most firms’ next key milestone in the intake process is scheduling an initial appointment after they’ve gained a lead and begun to earn their confidence. The consultation functions as a “sales meeting” because you will get to understand more about the legal issue at hand, and if he or she is a suitable client match, you’ll ideally land their business. Considering the significance of consultations, taking the time to design a robust procedure for scheduling them and ensuring that individuals come up is worthwhile.

Collecting information

The client intake procedure revolves around gathering information. The information gathering process normally starts as soon as a fresh lead is received and continues in various ways before, during, and after the session. Because the process of gathering information is so crucial for ensuring legal services, it should undoubtedly be improved for organization and efficiency.

Drafting and signing the fee agreement

You’ve virtually closed the sale and landed your new client by this point in the intake process. The final step is to design and execute a fee agreement, then enter the case into your case management system for billing. One of the most significant parts in the intake process is drafting and signing the fee agreement, which is where the attorney-client connection is established and the client promises to pay your charges.


Does your business need an intake form?

A client intake form isn’t necessary for every organization, but if you’re a service-based company with ongoing customer interactions, it’s a terrific approach to improve your overall system. Using intake forms is a great approach to make the onboarding process easy for everyone involved.

What is the key to successful onboarding?

The key to a successful onboarding process is to make sure the client intake form is simple to fill out and that staff members distribute it with new contacts on a regular basis. When asking clients for information, prioritize quality above quantity. You may lose potential clients if the form is tiresome or excessively long.

The customer lifecycle begins with intake, and developing an orderly and repeatable process is critical to your firm’s long-term success. Clearly identifying important steps of your firm’s intake process makes it easy to detect bottlenecks and inefficiencies, allowing you to enhance the process.

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