There are people who fall in love with their jobs; workaholics who can’t find it in themselves to leave it behind when they shut the doors of their offices at the end of the day. They see their jobs as their first priorities. They study it day in and out, make all the big decisions that would determine its success or failure, and memorize every detail of their project. However, working too closely and intently at something may cause a detail or two to slip their minds, and being too attached to a project might mean that they pour their hearts and minds into it, causing them to forget to consider other perspectives.

Yes, it is indeed important that people love what they do for a living, but they shouldn’t forget that, most of the time, their job is to offer their services to someone else and not to themselves. While their own personal satisfaction should indeed not be ignored, it is of utmost importance to consider the customer’s as well. Here are some Sample Forms for when asking for customer feedback.

Customer Feedback Form Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 32KB


Customer Service Feedback Form

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 92KB


Check Customer Feedback Form in PDF

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  • PDF

Size: 53KB


Inspections Customer Feedback Form

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  • PDF

Size: 52KB


Why Customer Feedback Is Important to Businesses

Customer feedback is a marketing term that is the process of which the company tries to obtain a customer’s opinion about their products and services. This is in service of a company’s growth because

  • it provides companies with actual, tangible data that would help make better business decisions;

  • it is a way to measure how satisfied your customers are with your products and services;

  • it helps you determine and deliver the customers’ wants and needs thus improving customer retention; and

  • it helps you find ideas for new innovations and can help in improving your products and services.

Customer Feedback Forms

While most feedback forms may look and ask for similar information, there is a stark difference between a Meeting Feedback Form, a Workshop Feedback Form, and a Customer Feedback Form. The first two put a big emphasis on introspection and assessing what they got from the service such as what they learned, did their learnings help fill gaps in their issues, and whether or not their learnings are relevant to their goals. A Customer Feedback Form, meanwhile, is focused on the customer’s satisfaction for the product they purchased such as whether or not they are satisfied with how much their new vacuum cleaner sucks or whether they have any suggestions that would improve the product they just purchased.

Restaurant Customer Feedback Form

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  • PDF

Size: 10KB


Cafe Customer Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 485KB


Customer Complaint/Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 88KB


Customer Accessibility Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 177KB


Customer Survey Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 32KB


Customers and Clients

While the two may sometimes be used interchangeably, linguists would say that there are certain differences when it comes to the proper definition. Customers often refer to either one-time or repeat patrons but lack loyalty to the business. Businesses like retail stores, grocery stores, and restaurants have customers: people who come and go, but sometimes, they’d choose your competitors over you.

Clients, on the other hand, are people who patronize your business exclusively as they are offered more personalized services. Businesses like law firms and medical practices have clients. Check out these Client Feedback Forms if you are in these or similar fields.

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