Employees experience different situations in executing their everyday work processes and functions. They sometimes do things that are breaking the rules and guidelines of the company where they work at, may it be intentional or unintentional. There would always be circumstances that may arise that is needed to be discussed with the human resource department or the counseling department of the company.

It is of most importance for a company to issue an employee counseling form to assure that the employee involved in the counseling meeting or schedule knows the reason why he or she is being counseled. If you need to have a reference in creating an employee counseling form and other forms for different usages, you may download our Sample Forms.

Employee Corrective Counseling Form

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Size: 42 KB


Employee Counseling Form Sample

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Size: 98 KB


Employee Counseling Form in PDF

File Format
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Size: 122 KB


Employee Letter of Counseling Form Example

File Format
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Size: 100 KB


Employee Written Counseling Form in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 533 KB


Information Found in an Employee Counseling Form

To assure that all items covered by an employee counseling form are recorded, an employee counseling form must have the following information:

  • the name of the employee to be counseled;
  • the job position of the employee and the department where he or she is stationed during working hours;
  • the disciplinary level that is needed to be given, which may vary from verbal or written counseling, up to suspension or final counseling;
  • the unpaid suspension dates that may be implemented should counseling agreements do not meet;
  • the events that lead to the counseling discussion;
  • the reason on why an incident should be focused at and be a concern of the employer; and
  • the needed processes to be done to assure that such actions may not happen again.


Other than our employee counseling form samples, you may also take a look at our downloadable and printable Employee Appraisal Forms and Employee Information Forms.

Employee Counseling Notice Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 57 KB


Employee Counseling Report Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 16 KB


Employee Counseling Session Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 87 KB


Employee Administration Counseling Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 4 KB


Actions Subjected for Counseling

A company needs to strictly implement their rules and regulations to assure that everyone is having a smooth work flow and a healthy and safe working environment. This is the reason why counseling is done for these specific reasons:

  • poor performance issues,
  • absenteeism and tardiness,
  • lack of respect to other employees,
  • violation on the work procedures of the company,
  • not following specific policies in the work environment,
  • misconduct and improper behavior during working hours,
  • damaging items owned by the company,
  • stealing, and
  • poor customer service that may result to customer dissatisfaction.

Importance of Understanding the Content of the Counseling Form

All the people involved in the counseling processes must know the terms of the counseling for the following reasons:

  • the employee will be able to know why he or she is subjected for counseling,
  • it allows the employer to assure the employee that the counseling is nothing personal and they are just following professional procedures,
  • it helps the transaction to be more transparent, and
  • all the people involved must know what will happen within the counseling period and after it to know if they are following the guidelines for the action plan to be done.


Other than our employee counseling form, you may also download our Employee Review Forms.

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