In many organizations, their employees are what keeps the workflow going altogether. It can be important to monitor them from time to time. This can be in regards to health or their overall work performance. Many evaluation forms are specifically made to suit this type of practice. What you need is an employee evaluation form of your own!

You’re definitely going to find these 22+ employee evaluation form examples useful for you. We even offer advice on how to create employee evaluations for you if you’re interested. We also have a list for employee self-evaluation on our website that you’ll no doubt find useful for your company.

Employee Performance Evaluation Forms

Medical Office Employee Performance Evaluation

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  • PDF

Size: 375 KB


Annual Employee Performance Evaluation Form

File Format
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Size: 473 KB


Employee Work Performance Evaluation

File Format
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Size: 192 KB


Employee Monthly Performance Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 206 KB


What Is an Employee Evaluation Form?

An employee evaluation form is used to evaluate an employee’s status, whether it be his health, performance, etc. A company’s growth can largely depend on what employees it hires and keeps. In order for companies to be able to grow as much as they can, they start using evaluations to see whether or not that employee is worth keeping. You can use our employee evaluation form samples to help you get started.

How to Write an Employee Evaluation

An employee evaluation can depend on what you want to evaluate your employee for. We have many employee evaluation form templates that you can take a look at so you’ll know the format of an employee evaluation form.

When you’re writing an employee evaluation form, you should include details necessary to be able to actually evaluate an employee from a certain aspect. It could be in regards to health or his actual performance in regards to work. Putting in a space for you to be able to write on how to improve your employees can be recommended for future growth.

Employee Self Evaluation Forms

Completed Employee Self Evaluation

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Size: 222 KB


Employee Self Evaluation Review

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Size: 23 KB


Annual Employee Evaluation Forms

Non-Manager Annual Employee Evaluation

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Size: 109 KB


Business Employee Evaluation Form

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Size: 6 KB


Staff Employee Evaluation Form

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Size: 29 KB


Dental Employee Evaluation Forms

Dental Assistant Employee Self Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 171 KB


Top Tips for Employee Performance Evaluations

  • Depending on who you’re evaluating exactly, we can recommend that you modify your approach to ensure that the evaluation is much more effective. Generally, it can be ideal to present a friendly but professional face to the employee you are evaluating to help them feel more comfortable. The more pressured they feel, the higher the chances that the employee evaluation in itself isn’t going to be much effective. You’re not going to get much out of a stuttering employee who’s desperate to keep his job and thinks he’s close to being fired.
  • This can go without saying, but your employee performance evaluation forms should be formatted properly so that it can be easy to list down any critique you might have to say for the employee. What they should improve on can be generally up to you, but leaving some room in your evaluation form to take notes can help make things go on so much smoother.
  • You should set a goal for your employees. After you’ve evaluated an employee’s performance, it is very important that you set a goal for your employee to improve on. Make it clear so that the employees know exactly what you want from them to improve on.
  • It can also be advisable to encourage your employee on good performance. If the only thing your employees ever hear is what to improve on and what to improve on, they’ll start to think that they’re being underappreciated for their work. They might just wind up leaving! Remember, you goal is to help them, not pressure them. Always take the time to congratulate them for areas they are doing good at.


There is also another different type of employee evaluation you may be interested in. It’s about employees evaluating themselves. We have these employee self-evaluation forms for you so you can see what employees think about their own performance and comment on it.

Employee Evaluation of Supervisor

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Size: 37 KB


Student Employee Evaluation Form

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  • Doc

Size: 13 KB


Probationary Employee Evaluation

File Format
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Size: 137 KB


Temporary Employee Evaluation

File Format
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Size: 196 KB


Nursing Employee Evaluation Form

File Format
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Size: 63 KB


Child Care Employee Evaluation Form

File Format
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Size: 41 KB


What Is the Purpose of an Employee Evaluation?

An employee evaluation can go both ways—it helps the employee know what to improve on and the nature of his performance and it helps the company improve their employees. Once you know a specific employee’s weaknesses and strengths, you can know where to improve his work on.

In short, an employee evaluation is there to help your company grow by gaining better employees. Instead of having to get new ones to cover each aspect, you can simply improve the employees you already have. If you use the employee evaluation form samples that we offer to you, you can also improve the performances of your employees.

Importance of Employee Evaluation

If you don’t know your employees well, it could be quite costly for your company. Your company’s performance is largely dependent on your employees. If your employees aren’t doing so well, then your business probably isn’t going to go so well either.

An employee evaluation can help you know the employees who work for you that much better. It would do you well to be able to improve their performance through an evaluation.

Speaking of which, we have many more forms out there that can help you improve your company’s performance as a whole. You might want to take a look at the conference evaluation forms in word format and employee evaluation forms in PDF format that we have. We even have lecture evaluation forms for you if you’re interested.

Generic Employee Evaluation

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Size: 407 KB


HR Employee Evaluation Form

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Size: 481 KB


Restaurant Employee Evaluation

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Size: 8 KB


90-Day Employee Evaluation Form

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Size: 450 KB


Employee Peer Evaluation Form

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Size: 121 KB


Employee Evaluation Sample

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Size: 39 LKB


Accounting Employee Evaluation

File Format
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Size: 492 KB


Guidelines for Conducting Employee Evaluations

  • Employee evaluations should always be kept as accurate as possible. Upper management can take the decision to keep or fire an employee depending on their evaluation of their performance. As such, employee evaluations should be proceeded with great care as to not risk firing an employee that could’ve been promising. Inaccurate data is always something to be wary of.
  • There should be a rating based on the performance of the employee that the evaluators are in charge of handling, with the lowest rating being “Unacceptable” and the highest being “Exceptional.” It is advisable, however, to develop ratings that is much more suited to the job.
  • Employees should be given the chance to comment on whether or not he or she agrees with the evaluation given. It should only be fair that they be allowed to be able to defend themselves should they feel the need to. Employees should be required to sign the employee evaluation given to them.


Check out our list for evaluation forms in word format for more samples. We also offer these meeting evaluation forms that you might find handy.

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