Most people don’t stick to just one job their whole lives. Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs state that ultimately, people seek for self-actualization. People get anxious when they’re stuck in a rut and feeling stagnant. They feel the need to move forward and continue to become a better version of themselves. Unfortunately, not many people find the opportunity to grow in their workplace, and when they start feeling the burnout, they decide to cut ties. Sometimes, it may even take a couple of tries and a phone book full of companies before they find their place in the world. If you’re finding yourself having to detach from your company for whatever reason, here are some sample forms of what you may be required to fill out before your exit.

Employee Exit Interview Form Template

employee exit interview form template

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Draft Employee Exit Form Template

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  • DOC

Size: 65 KB


Employee Exit Interview Form Template

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  • PDF

Size: 28 KB


Employee Exit Review Form Template

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  • DOC

Size: 49 KB


Sample Employee Exit Declaration Form Template

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Size: 57 KB


Employee Exit Forms

It was hard enough to hand in your resignation letter (or getting it approved), now you have to exit interview forms and—if your departure is not voluntary—employee termination forms to worry about. As much of a hassle and a waste of time you might think these protocols are, they are actually quite beneficial for a number of reasons:

  • It is an opportunity to make peace with disgruntled employees. The employee’s side may be heard and issues may be talked about and put to rest as to erase any resentment.
  • Exit interviews give the HR department an understanding of what life in the organization is like for the workers so they could improve upon their human-management system.
  • The results of the interviews could aid in reducing turnover rates and improving retention, which lessens recruitment and hiring costs, and encourages employee loyalty.
  • Sometimes, issues could be resolved during the interview and valuable workers could be convinced to stay.
  • The results of the exit interview may also be utilized, in addition to performance appraisals and job analyses, in identifying training needs and creating training designs.
  • It could provide useful information in how to improve the recruitment process to get the candidate most fit for the job.

Analyzing the results of exit interviews could give the company an idea on how to better their practices. The actions a company could take fall into two categories:

  • Among the remedial and preventive actions the company could take would be to improve the conditions on which the employee works in, reduce stress, and offer better benefits.
  • Strategic improvements, on the other hand, is when the company betters the system through training programs, team-building activities, and such.

Employee Exit Interview Questionnaire Form Template

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 48 KB


Employee Interview Exit Form Template

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 52 KB


Employee Exit Survey Form Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 48 KB


Sample Employee Exit Checklist Form Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 41 KB


In a lot of cases, it is rather unfortunate when an employee decides to leave a company. Contrary to what sour-graping supervisors may say, there are some people who possess special skills and talents who are indispensable. While companies would have to respect the decision of their employees to leave, there are preventive measures they could take so that they won’t have to print out as many exit interview forms like conducting evaluation. Download these employee evaluation forms to know more.

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