If you thought that you’re done with forms after signing your employee contract, you thought wrong. From the day you apply for your job to your last day in your office, you will have a lot of forms to fill up, sign, and submit (to HR or whoever requests for them), so you better start familiarizing yourself with the different kinds of forms that will land on your table and know what each form is for and what information you need for them.

Here are just a couple of Sample Forms of forms you may encounter throughout your employment.

Sample Employee Evaluation Form

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Size: 111 KB


HR Absence of Employee Form in PDF

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Size: 10 KB


Employee Information Form

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Size: 146 KB


Employee Exit Form Example

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Size: 279 KB


Employee Master Form Sample

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Size: 192 KB


General Information Forms

Upon employment, the Human Resources Department would be sending a couple forms your way. These forms would usually just be asking for your personal information, and educational and employment history.

  • An Employee Information Form should be filled out a few days after you start working. This is a very general form usually only asking for personal information like your name, birth date, address, contact information, and civil status. It may also ask for the personal information of your parents and/or partner or spouse.

  • The Employee Master Form defines an employee’s work characteristics. It may include their identification number, status in the company, and date of hire. In here might also be their pay rate, daily tasks, and productivity average.

  • A Temporary Employee Form is similar to an employee form but is only filled out by employees who are temporarily employed by the company. This would be asking for the same basic information as that of an employee information form, although perhaps sans bank information.

  • An Employee Details Form would include the following information: the names of both the employer and the employee, the status of employment, the date of hire, and the business license number of the employer.

Evaluation and Termination Forms

These are forms typically handed out by the HR Department concerning your behaviour, performance, attendance, or disciplinary notices.

  • The Employee Complain Form is filed when someone has beef against a coworker, a superior, or a subordinate. This is done so that HR could handle whatever internal issues there are and to maintain a harmonious relationship between all employees. This is sort of like an incident report.
  • Employee Termination Forms are filled up when your employment contract is to be terminated, whether voluntary or not. This form would state the reason for termination.
  • Employee Discipline Forms are handed out when you violate company policy.
  • You will see a Performance Appraisal Form during evaluation season. Depending on the company, this could be done in many different ways by different people within the company and as often as the company wishes.

Employee Change Form Example

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Size: 115 KB


Academic Student Employee Reimbursement Form

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Size: 468 KB


Temporary Employee Form

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Size: 1 MB


Employee Termination Form

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Size: 149 KB


Employee Complaint Form

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Size: 64 KB


Employee Details Form

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Size: 71 KB


Other forms such as the Employee Self-Evaluation Forms may not be practiced in every organization, but chances are you’d come across it at least once. Filling these forms out may be tedious and you may sometimes even think that they’re just a waste of paper and ink, but they do serve a purpose.

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