Accidents do not always happen in the workplace. But if it does, there might be a problem with the safety plan that the company needs to address before it escalates further. The thing is since injuries and accidents don’t always happen, there are high chances that you won’t remember the entire process of dealing with it in case it occurs. Not to mention the tense and panic everyone may experience at the moment, which can also add up to the mess. With that said, you have to create a standard procedure that will allow everyone to carry out the procedure appropriately. Part of this process is to prepare an employee report of injury form, which we are going to discuss in this article.

What is an Employee Report of Injury Form

When an incident happens within the office or worksite, there are chances that the individual’s fellow employees will also experience the same in the future. Thus, employees must report accidents to their employer or supervisor. By notifying the management about an accident inflicting an injury, the company can take necessary measures for the employee to receive proper medical attention and reimbursement. The information provided in the employee report of injury form will give the employer a definite idea to successfully conduct an employee accident investigation and employee counseling. Aside from that, it will also allow the employers to tighten the health and safety plan of the company to ensure that the incident will not happen again. Lastly, it provides a way for the company to improve its method of handling this type of incident, in which securing an employee report of injury form plays a vital role. The company can use the filled out form to obtain detailed information about the incident, which the management can use as a reference.

Characteristics of an Employee Report of Injury

Whether it is a contractor incident report or vehicle problem report, the employee report of injury should have the following attributes to ensure its validity and avoid any unnecessary problems.

1. Accurate

Mistakes are quite common in filling out an injury report form. These mistakes may include spelling and grammatical errors, which may confuse and raise questions from the company’s health insurance provider and other relevant third party organizations. Making the sentences clear and specific can also help to avoid these kinds of situations.

2. Factual

Make sure that you include the necessary information to prevent problems during the process. For example, the employee got into a vehicular accident. It will help if there is a police report document to support the incident report.

3. Complete

Ensure that the information provided is complete. Include the statements of the witnesses and other necessary details. Moreover, it is important to anticipate what the authorities may look for. You can start by including information that will answer the what, where, when, why, and how questions.

4. Graphic

In most cases, visual verification is necessary for reporting an injury. For this reason, it is crucial to provide illustrations, photos, videos, etc. This information will serve as evidence of the incident.

10+ Employee Report of Injury Form Samples in PDF | DOC

If you are planning to create an employee report of injury form for your firm, take a look at the following blank employee report of injury form templates. You can download these sample forms in PDF and MS Word formats.

1. Employee First Report of Injury Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 231.2 KB


2. Employee Basic Report of Injury Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 279.5 KB


3. Employee Report of Injury Form Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 127.4 KB


4. Simple Employee Report of Injury Form Temple

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 110.1 KB


5. Employee Report of Injury Form in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 214.3 KB


6. Employee’s Report of Injury Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 68.9 KB


7. Formal Employee Report of Injury Form Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 317.2 KB


8. Employee First Report of Injury Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 340.2 KB


9. General Employee Report of Injury Form Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 245.0 KB


10. Employee Report of Accident Form Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 33.1 KB


11. Employee Report of Injury Form in DOC

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 303.0 KB


Tips in Managing An Employee Report of Injury

You may already have the form that you need for your business, but do you know how to ensure that you are dealing with the process correctly? Read the following best practices to ensure that you implement the procedure successfully.

1. Don’t Miss an Incident

As a manager, nobody may inform you about a work-related injury that occurred in the office, especially if it is just minor. Unluckily, on the next day, another employee experienced the same accident, which was considerably worse. If only you have known that incident, you could have come up with a strategic action plan to avoid it from happening again. Therefore, it is crucial to take into account all the accidents that occurred in your business premises.

2. Report the Incident Within 24 Hours

Encourage your employees to report the incidents within 24 hours from the time it happens. In this way, the injured employee will get the medical attention that he needs. Additionally, depending on which country and state your business operates, not addressing a work-related injury on time can cause a toll on your business. You don’t want that to happen, right?

3. Get All the Necessary Information

When you bring the injured employee to a clinic or hospital, the first thing that they will ask for is the employee information. That is why before going to the clinic, see to it that you have obtained the necessary information. Aside from the employee information, you should also include all the details relating to the accident. Doing so will help the doctors and nurses in dealing with the situation of the patient. Have the employee fill out an employee report of accident/injury form to smoothen the process.

4. Brief Before It All Happens

Accidents happen in time and place that we don’t expect. Thus, it would help if you orient your employees on what to do if these events occur. You can do it by including the activity in the company training agenda.

According to Statista, there were a total of 146 fatal injuries at work that happened in Great Britain in 2018-2019. The agriculture, manufacturing, and construction industries held the highest number of these injuries. No sane companies wanted these accidents to happen. Lucky for you because you have read the essential information in dealing with these situations through this article. Use the things that you have learned from here and apply them in your workplace.

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