A company’s manpower is one of the most valuable resources of a company. A good employee can sometimes make a difference between success and failure of a business operation. It is for this reason that every manager or employer understands how important it is to deal with their employees professionally and with due respect. Standard procedures and standard forms must be observed and utilized in the regular dealing with employees. One form of standard document that proves useful in handling employees systematically is the employee transfer form. This form is necessary when an employee wishes to be transferred to another job position or department within the company.

For more information about employee transfer forms, feel free to download our templates on this page as your reference. You can also browse our website’s wide collection of employee transfer Sample Forms.

Sample HR Employee Transfer Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 45 KB


Employee Internal Transfer Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 49 KB


Employee Hardship Transfer Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 52 KB


Employee Position Transfer Request Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 31 KB


What Is An Employee Transfer Form?

An employee transfer form is an official document that is used when an employee wants to transfer to another position within the company. There are several types of transfer that an employee may apply for:

  • When an employee wishes to be promoted to a higher position in order to obtain career growth by taking on more difficult responsibilities or in order to receive a bigger salary, or a combination of both reasons.
  • When an employee wishes to be transferred to another department simply because he/she thinks that his/her interests, skills set, or career direction is more aligned with the tasks and duties of a staff in a department different from the one he/she is currently a part of.
  • When an employee due to family, health, educational (e.g. masters and etc.), or other reasons would wish to relocate to another state or place and since the company that he/she is working for has another branch in that state or location, then the employee would apply for transfer in another branch of the company.


For more information about the contents of an employee transfer form, refer to the templates on this page. And for your other employee-management needs, you can also use our Employee Termination Forms and Employee Discipline Forms, which are also available for free download.

Employee Transfer Requisition Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 47 KB


Employee Fund Transfer Form in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 41 KB


Employee Transfer Application Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 48 KB


Employee PF Transfer Form Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 37 KB


Employee Transfer Notification Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 33 KB


Who Prepares an Employee Transfer Form?

In normal business or organizational settings, several copies of employee transfer forms are already stocked in the human resource or manager’s office and ready to be filled out by employees who may ask to be transferred to another position or location within the company.

An employee transfer form is usually prepared by any of the following persons:

  • a human resource staff,
  • a human resource manager,
  • a manager,
  • the department head (directly supervising the employee who wishes to be transferred),
  • the team leader (who manages the team that the employee who is applying for transfer is a part of), or
  • an employer (in case, the business is a small one).


An employee transfer form is essential in any large business/organization. That is why, if you are currently managing one, make sure that you prepare ahead of time several copies of this form and store it in your office drawers or file racks so that you can pull it out easily when an employee comes knocking on your door asking for transfer.

Speaking of employee-management form, our Employee Information Forms can also help make things easier for you in organizing employee data. Feel free to download these templates as well. Access it by clicking on the link provided.

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