A general release of liability is essentially a legal document that confirms that the signatory has indeed acknowledged the risk of injuries for a certain activity such as, say, a teacher will not be held liable for any injury sustained by the students during a school field trip if the students have signed a release of liability form ahead of time. This excuses the teacher and the school from any risk the students may experiences.

These type of Sample Forms are necessary for the continuous existence of an establishment, be it a school, a firm, a clinic, or any form of business. It allows for them to be able to provide goods and services without the fear of being taken into court for injuries sustained from their goods or services.

Free General Release of Liability Form Sample

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Size: 9 KB


Sample General Release of Liability Form

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Size: 4 KB


Simple General Release of Liability Form

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Size: 26 KB


General Contractor Release of Liability Form

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Size: 362 KB



Kinds of Release of Liability Forms

Liability Release Form is similar to other release forms in the case that it allows for the release or discharge of a certain object or person from a certain obligation or rights. Other examples of release forms would be a Medical Release Form, Media Release Form, Video Release Form, etc.

General Release of Liability Form

Is a type of form that discharges the signatory from any rights to take legal actions against the owner of the form, provided that the requirement are met. These requirements are

  • the signatory has read and acknowledged the risk and dangers of the task and has signed for the confirmation of the agreement
  • or the injuries sustained was listed on the liability release form as a possible injury.


Simple General Release of Liability Form

This is a simplified Liability Release Form that is used similarly as a liability release form, except with a simplified and general definition of liabilities and risk.

General Contractor Release of Liability Form

Is a liability release from a contract or agreement to another contractor.

General Waiver and Release of Liability Form

Is a form of waiver that allows for the usage of labor from individuals who have read and agreed to the waiver and will not take actions against the owner of the waiver if he or she has sustained any form of injury or similar liabilities.

Medical Release and Liability Form

Similar to other Liability Release Forms, this form allows for the owner of the waiver to be discharged or release from any form of obligations to the signatory.

It does, however, allow the owner of the waiver and his associates to provide immediate first aid and medical treatments should the need arise.

Parental Waiver Release of Liability Form

This form allows for the release of responsibility and obligations to the state of health of the dependent of the parents as a prior requirement to join or attend an activity or event that may or may not cause harm to the dependent.

General Waiver and Release of Liability Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 16 KB


Medical Release and Liability Form in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 64 KB


Parental Waiver Release of Liability Form in Doc

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 4 KB


General Accident Waiver and Release of Liability Form

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 5 KB


A liability release form is necessary for the authorization of the necessary action with the full knowing of risk and dangers those actions may cause. In most cases, liability release forms act as a way for the owner of the waivers to excuse them from legal obligations of the signatory.

It is similar to a Video Release Form, which authorizes for the release of a viral video regardless of the negative effects it may have on the person or persons in the video.

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