Going as an independent contractor sure is a tough job and a lot to carry on your shoulders; however, it sure is worth it, especially when you can definitely manage your time well as well as your other tasks perfectly. If you simply have orchestrated and handled every aspect of your life and well-being, especially the ones that would relatively affect your career in some ways possible, then you have almost mastered very well what it is like being an independent contractor.

You can also consider checking at our Sample Forms to begin with your independent contractor career journey.

Real Estate Independent Contractor Agreement Form

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Size: 27 KB


Independent Sales Contractor Agreement Form Sample

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Size: 16 KB


Termination of Independent Contractor Agreement Form

File Format
  • DOCX

Size: 22 KB


Independent Contractor Relationship Agreement in PDF

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  • PDF

Size: 13 KB


Free Independent Contractor Service Agreement Form

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  • PDF

Size: 136 KB


Independent Contractor Agreement Form in PDF

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Size: 171 KB


As an independent contractor, or also known as being a freelancer, it is very important to have an agreement with your clients, in terms of the services that you provide. Make sure that you and your clients are comfortable with each other at a professional level and make sure that you also state first what you expect from each other, state each other’s professional needs, and most importantly, begin establishing each other’s terms, conditions, and boundaries. In that way, working and how you communicate with each other would not be an issue at all. To start with, you can definitely check out our Sample Loan Agreement Forms for free as your reference and guide toward your transactions and your deals with your clients.

Aside from that, if you are a business person or an employer who is hiring an independent contractor to do some of the menial tasks or projects in which you would rather have an independent contractor do, here are some of the tips and guidelines that you have to keep in mind to have a successful and maintain a pleasant experience with a highly skilled independent contractor:

  • Parties – the employer and the independent contractor or the freelancer

Independent Contractor/Consultant Agreement Form

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Size: 425 KB


Employee Independent Contractor Agreement Form

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Size: 74 KB


Car Independent Contractor Agreement Form Example

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Size: 95 KB


Massage Therapist Independent Contractor Agreement Form

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Size: 4 KB


Independent Contractor Agreement Form

File Format
  • Excel

Size: 9 KB


  • Job Description – this part of the agreement form should cover the scope of work description, the services and goods provided, and the need to explain or, better yet, elaborate specifications. Also, the time frame should be stated along with the standards and needs of the hiring employer given that it is also agreed with the independent contractor.
  • Benefits and Compensation – this is the part of the agreement in which the payment of the employee or the independent contractor should be detailed and well stated. There should be cost transparency exactly described and indicated to avoid any unfair surprise.
  • Termination – due to the independent contractor or freelancer’s nature of the job, which seems to be mostly on a temporary basis or short-term projects, it is very well understandable that there should be a part on the agreement form that specifies and indicates the termination of the independent contractor or the freelancer by the hiring employer. Termination date and the method of the termination should be provided clearly. Of course, this is most applicable if the freelancer or the independent contractor has agreed to be on a short-term project or task. Moreover, you can also check out our Sample Lease Agreement Forms if you find this helpful and useful.

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