Information request forms have different uses from different agencies that may ask you to supply the necessary information needed to complete your transaction. This may be as simple as asking the Information Technology Department of your school for access to their audio-visual equipment to health-care professionals and medical institutions asking you to allow them access to your medical records.

Our website’s Sample Forms for information request covers different aspects of information request sample forms that may be needed by users immediately or which may come handy when the need arises. These are all free for downloading and can be edited for specifications.

Personal Information Request Form in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 230KB


Information Technology Request Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 6KB


Access to Information Request Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 232KB


Sample Library Information Request Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 246KB


Superannuation Information Request Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 292KB


Under the United States Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), any citizen can request information from any of the government agencies concerned should he deem necessary to obtain certain information he may need for whatever purpose he desires. However, there are a lot of exemptions covered, especially to records that are protected from disclosure form nine exemption clauses covered by law. These nine exemption categories protected by law are records that are covered by the following:

  • classified information related to defense and foreign policy,
  • internal personnel rules and practices covering all government agencies,
  • information that is exempt and covered by other laws,
  • trade secrets and confidential information related to business,
  • inter-agency memorandums and letters protected by legal privileges,
  • personnel and medical records,
  • records and all information pertaining to law enforcement,
  • information on bank supervisions, and
  • geological and geophysical information.


Besides information request forms for government agencies, our samples also cover medical request forms that may be needed by your health-care provider. A medical information release needs a patient’s consent that will authorize the physician to refer to the patient’s medical record for proper treatment. He may diagnose the patient based on the medical history to prevent any complications that may arise if the patient is allergic or not responding to treatment of certain medicines. By being able to check on a patient’s medical information history, the health-care provider can render a correct diagnosis to the patient seeking treatment. Doctors, however, cannot just access a patient’s medical history freely without a patient’s consent. It’s for this reason that a medical information release form needs to be used to access the medical record.

Our website offers other forms as well that users may find useful. Please refer to other examples on our website or click on the links for Budget Request Forms and Donation Request Forms that are all free for downloading.

National Information Request Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 81KB


Surgery Information Request Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 881KB


Financial Information Request Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 133KB


Freedom of Information Request Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 179KB


Alien Information Request Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 83KB


Facility Information Request Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 60KB


Information may also be requested by your bank if you apply for a credit card or loan. Credit information release forms are documents applicants sign to allow a bank or credit company to obtain the applicant’s credit information for purposes such as obtaining a loan, applying for a consumer credit, or application for credit card approval. This is usually done when a credit company wants additional information about an applicant before they approve the application.

For even more samples, please click on our Tutorial Request Forms and other examples that are either available in Word Doc or PDF file for easy downloading.

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