In any places, there are always areas that not everybody can access. These places are only open to a few authorized people or people that have special permission for access. For someone to enter these places, they would often need to file a key request so that there is an official document to record the request.

Once the key request has been approved, it is also important to officially document the release of the keys. This way, a record is kept and it is easier to keep track of who holds the key. Key release forms are made for this purpose. If you are looking for these forms, you have come to the right place as we have Sample Forms that you can use for yourself.

Key Release Form Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 271 KB


Medical Release Form Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


Apartment Key Release Form in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 172 KB


Key Club Photo Release Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 118 KB


Tenant Key Release Form Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 8 KB


Contractor Key Release Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 20 KB


Importance of Key Release Forms

Keys, no matter how little they are, are very valuable things. If you think about it, the great discoveries of the world were found through the use of keys, from doors of ancient places to treasure chests. Without keys, some of these things and places would be hard to unlock. These days, you also can’t just give keys to just about anyone. You need to carefully evaluate whether they really need the keys and keep track of where they are. Key release forms, like any release forms such as Employee Release Forms and Video Release Forms, effectively perform this job.

  • They record where the keys are. With these key release forms, it is easier to know where your keys are. When an incident happens some place where the key is supposed to give access to, it is easy to trace who holds the key to that area.
  • They provide conditions to which a key is released. Often included in the key release forms are conditions that must be met in order to gain access. Other information such as identification needed, as well as actions for unreturned keys, are outlined in the document so everything is clear between the owner of the place and the requester of the keys.

Office Key Release Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 132 KB


Key Authorization Release Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 32 KB


Mutual Key Release Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 26 KB


Pool Key Release Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 244 KB


Duplicate Key Release Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


Who Can Use Key Release Forms?

Almost any institution can make use of a key release form. In an office setting, for example, employees may request access to certain parts where they are not allowed to go. When granted, a key release form is a great way of verifying that the keys were given to that person so he or she is liable to that area. Apartments, condominiums, and like places could also benefit with the use of key release forms. Schools and exclusive members-only places could also use these forms.

What to Include in Key Release Forms

Key release forms are not as complex as Medical Release Forms but they are just as important. Different organizations have different ways of releasing keys to people that request for it. In the same way, the fields that you find in the forms are also different. Below are some things you can include in a key release form to make it more effective.

  • Requester personal information
  • House address, apartment number, door number, and so on
  • Reason for release
  • Terms/Conditions/Rules
  • Key return policy


Key release forms are effective ways of keeping track of who you give access to your place or institution. They are an often overlooked document but they are also very valuable. Our sample forms are available in PDF and Word format so downloading them for your own use should not be a problem.

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