As a rule, medical information records are kept by medical institutions where patients have either sought medical treatment or confined for various medical ailments. The medical information records are being compiled and maintained by health-care providers and these are considered sensitive personal information. For this reason, a medical information release form is needed from patients for their health-care providers to get access to their medical records.

Our Sample Forms for medical information release have different kinds of forms, depending on their usage, that users may be able to download and modify or use as guides to draft their own release forms based on the standard forms being presented here.

Protected Medical Information Release Form

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Size: 27 KB


HIPAA Medical Information Release Form

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Size: 60 KB


Medical Information Release Consent Form

File Format
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Size: 135 KB


Employee Medical Information Release Form

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Size: 234 KB


In the United States, as provided under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act regulation (HIPAA), a patient’s medical information is protected at all times, and in most countries around the world, medical health records are kept with utmost confidentiality and can only be released with the patient’s approval. A medical information release form, therefore, is needed as a written consent that may authorize your health-care provider to look at your medical record either to compare your present illness with your previous one, or to properly diagnose you based on your medical history.

A medical information release form is proof of a patient’s consent that will authorize his or her physician to refer to the medical record for proper treatment. He may diagnose the patient based on the medical history to prevent any complications that may arise if the patient is allergic or not responding to treatment of certain medicines. By being able to check on a patient’s medical information history, the health-care provider may render a correct diagnosis when the patient is seeking treatment. It’s very important that medicines being administered will not react negatively on the patient’s system, otherwise it will have the potential to worsen the condition and could prove fatal. Doctors, however, cannot just access a patient’s medical history freely without patient consent. It’s for this reason that a medical information release form needs to be used to access the medical record.

For more of our samples, please check on our website’s Records Release Forms. We also have Employee Release Forms that are used for terminated employees to sign after being given severance pay. This will guarantee the company has no other liability for the employee and to ensure the employee will not be able to make any more additional claims.

Medical Information Release Authorization Form

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Size: 93 KB


Patient Medical Information Release Form in PDF

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Size: 100 KB


Medical Information Records Release Form

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Size: 384 KB


Medical Health Information Release Form

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Size: 18 KB


When authorizing a medical information release, a patient should know that it is within his or her legal right not to divulge any information regarding sensitive medical conditions like sexually transmitted diseases and HIV or AIDS. Withholding personal sensitive information may or may not help a patient’s condition, but it’s perfectly acceptable and understandable if he or she wants to keep those kinds of information private and confidential.

For parents who need to authorize health-care providers to treat their kids while they are away, our website also offers Child Medical Consent Forms to authorize emergency medical health-care procedures on children who may suddenly fall ill or be injured in an accident.

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