A proper orientation is very important to new employees of a company, new students in a learning institution, and new members of an organization or a group. There are many things that they have to learn with regards to the processes of their team and the rules and regulations that they need to follow.

Orientation feedback is very helpful in terms of knowing the things that the new members have learned in an orientation and how it has prepared them to adapt to the environment where they will be doing their functions. We can provide you with samples of orientation feedback forms and other Sample Forms that you may use for other functions and purposes.

New Employee Orientation Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 14 KB


Orientation Program Feedback Form in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 270 KB


Sample Orientation Feedback Form in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 218 KB


New Employee Orientation Feedback

A new employee needs to know the nature of business of the company where he or she is to work for. Also, he or she needs to know the functions that s/he is expected to provide. These are the reasons why a new employee orientation is very essential. A new employee orientation feedback form includes the following information:

  • the relativity of the orientation topics to the functions that the employee is to do in providing his or her services to the company;
  • the ability of the orientation processes to provide information about the guidelines that are being set by the company with regards to its operations;
  • the knowledge that the new hires are needed to be aware of including the organizational structure, their work functions, the department/division/team where they belong, and other important items that is relevant to their work and working environment; and
  • other content of the orientation that may either be helpful or unnecessary.

Other than our orientation feedback form templates, you may also download our samples of Observation Feedback Forms and Speaker Feedback Forms.

Orientation Training Feedback Form

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 113 KB


HR Orientation Feedback Form in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 285 KB


Induction and Orientation Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 231 KB


Library Orientation Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3 KB


Staff Orientation Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 177 KB


Orientation and Enrollment Feedback

New students can also make use of an orientation feedback form, especially during their orientation and enrollment processes. As new students in the learning community of a specific institution, they need help in knowing specific items that will allow them to easily adjust to the conditions and processes of the school where they are to go to. An orientation and enrollment feedback form includes the following information:

  • the ability of the school organization handling the orientation to relay information about the school, its facilities, the programs it supports, and the curriculum that they provide to the students;
  • the processes for enrollment are well relayed and the students are informed about the steps that they need to follow for admissions;
  • the students are made aware of the school policies, guidelines, and rules; and
  • students are assured that they are provided with information about the grade level or course where they belong and the activities of these levels and departments.

Importance of an Orientation Feedback

Having an orientation feedback form provides the following advantages, which are important to the operations of the business that use it:

  • it allows the management to know if they have already provided enough information to their new members;
  • it helps the organization to improve their orientation processes depending on the results of the orientation feedback; and
  • it gives the new members to have more orientation programs and activities should the ratings for the efficiency of the initial orientation be relatively low.

Aside from our orientation feedback form templates, you may also be interested to use our Workshop Feedback Forms as references.

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