Everyone can get a passport whenever they want to, even the children and minors. Although there is a difference, it is not to be considered a major one.

When it comes to minors, there may be forms that are needed to be filled out by the parents or guardian in order to be allowed to have an issued passport. There are forms that showcase an agreement stating that the parent or guardian is allowing the child to have a passport.

There are Sample Forms that can be utilized whenever a minor needs to have a passport issued for school trips, scholarships, hospitals, and for whatever purpose there may be that entitles a minor to have a passport.

Collective Passport Consent Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 27 KB


Passport Parental Consent Form in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 289 KB


Printable Passport Application Consent Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 68 KB


Passport for Foster Youth Scholarship Consent Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 441 KB


Types of Passport Consent Form Samples

  • Collective Passport Consent Form
    This type of passport consent form is used by a group of minors to have passports issued. Groups such as schools, guides, and scouts can use these forms.
  • Passport Parental Consent Form
    This passport consent form is used by applicants who are under 18 years of age. (You can also check out Child Travel Consent Forms.)
  • Passport Application Consent Form
    A requirement of this passport consent form is the need to be notarized by a notary public. It can be used for one minor applicant or a collective group of applicants who are considered minors.
  • Passport for Foster Youth Scholarship Consent Form
    This form is dedicated for minors who have been in foster care or have received foster care who wants to have a scholarship grant for a college education.
  • Standard Child Patient Passport Consent Form
    This form is utilized mostly by hospitals to gain consent from a patient’s parents and enable them to issue a patient passport, which they can use whenever they go to the hospital.
  • Passport Carrying Consent Form
    This form gives the chaperones or assigned leaders the authority to carry a participant’s passport during the duration of the travel.

Standard Child Patient Passport Consent Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 50 KB


Passport Carrying Consent Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 154 KB


What Are Passports?

Passports are usually used as a form of identification whenever an individual is going to travel abroad. It is issued by a specific government sector. Passports usually contain identifying information such as

  • passport holder’s name,
  • place of birth,
  • date of birth,
  • passport holder’s photograph, and
  • official signature.

Passport Consent Form Format

The passport consent forms contain basically the same things such as

  • name of the parent or guardian of the minor,
  • name(s) of child(ren) who will be issued a passport,
  • emergency contact person,
  • statement of agreement that mentions that consent is given by authorized people to allow the child to be issued a passport, and
  • signature of parent or guardian.

How to Use Passport Consent Form Samples?

These samples can be used conveniently. They are accessible making downloading of these forms easily with just a click of a button and are in a PDF (.pdf) format, which makes it simple if you use the correct applications on your computer. These makes the drafting of passport consent forms time-saving.

You may also see Child Medical Consent Forms in cases of medical emergencies for children.

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