I’m sure you have experienced feeling down, worried, and hopeless. Maybe there are moments in your life when you don’t feel like you can make it anymore. There might also be times when you feel so stressed out. Don’t worry, everyone has felt that way every once in a while.

The thing is, there is someone who wants to listen to you. That someone is God, and what he does is give you answers. He is in heaven, but it doesn’t matter. All you have to do is call on him and I tell you, you will feel better. Below are Sample Forms you can download for free in case something is bothering you or making you sad.

Campus Ministry Prayer Request Form

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Size: 38 KB


Prayer Request Submission Form

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Size: 29 KB


Church Prayer Request Form Example

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Size: 29 KB


Sample Prayer Shawl Request Form

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Size: 53 KB


Prayer Quilt Request Form in PDF

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Size: 35 KB


One of the ways that we can talk to God is through prayers. A prayer is a sacred and solemn expression to a God or deity. This can either be done to express one’s gratefulness, this can also be done to ask questions or request, or this can be done to express worship. Here are some tips on how you can pray:

  • Stop what you are doing. If you are not in prayer, the first thing that you should do is to stop your activity. Search for a place where it is conducive for praying and just go there. You can either kneel down, sit, or simply stand. You can also close your eyes or just bow your head. It depends on what works for you.
  • Reflect on the things that you want to say. If your prayer is to give thanksgiving, then think of things that you are thankful for. If you are to request something, then think of the things that you want to ask. If your prayer is for worship, then contemplate some words or actions you can best express what you are feeling.
  • Be honest. Be sincere. You are talking to God, chances are he knows what you’re feeling. Prayers are opportunities for you to express your heart out and convey everything that you have been thinking.
  • Take your time. Do not hurry yourself. Prayer takes contemplation. Besides, the God who is listening has all the time in the world to deal with your problems.
  • It is also best to get yourself a prayer request form. It is a document where you can file a request to an organization to pray for you as well. We have a lot of forms you can download for free.


In case there are tings that you also want to request, we have Time Off Request Forms and Medical Record Request Forms.

Gift of Prayer Request Form

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Size: 41 KB


Prayer List Request Form Free

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Size: 39 KB


Printable Prayer Request Form

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Size: 26 KB


Parents Prayer Request Form

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Size: 62 KB


Blank Prayer Request Form

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Size: 34 KB


We all have our problems, but the best thing that we can do, aside from dealing with them, is to tell somebody about. And who should be the best to tell it to but the one up there, he/she who knows everything we are feeling. Prayers are free, and there’s no harm in asking for others to pray for you or someone else.

If you have more requests, we have a lot of forms for your convenience, like Transcript Request Forms.

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