Presenting in front of an audience is not an easy feat and takes skills, confidence, and tons of practice. One way to polish an individual’s presentation skills is through accurate and objective evaluations that allow him to properly hone his talent.

Presentations can come in varying forms and can be presented through a speech, a speaking engagement, a demonstration, a lecture, etc. To put it simply, a presentation is a form of communication and therefore needs to be properly delivered to make it understandable.

Sample Poster Presentation Evaluation Form

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Size: 7 KB


Oral Presentation Evaluation Form in PDF

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Size: 21 KB


Audience Presentation Evaluation Form

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Size: 76 KB


Student Presentation Evaluation Form Example

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Size: 7 KB


Group Presentation Evaluation Form in PDF

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Size: 100 KB


A presentation is not a very complex thing to evaluate. Effective oral presentations typically follow 4 key elements:

  • Confidence
  • Quality
  • Clarity
  • Organization



Presenting in front of a lot of people can be a nerve-wrecking experience, most people experience stage fright and hate the thought of having to be the center of everyone’s attention. However, a good and effective presenter has to be able to cope with his nerves and deliver his presentation confidently. A sign of a confident presenter is one who can comfortably discuss his presentation, does not fidget or use fillers, is able to make eye contact with his audience, and is able to promote interaction among his audience.


The quality of a speech is based on its content. The content of a speech has to revolve around the main theme and provides just the right amount of information and examples to support it. A speech should not be redundant, should not beat around the bush, and should not be overabundant in detail because this tends to make the speech dragging, which makes your presentation confusing and bores your audience to death.

Oral Technical Presentation Evaluation Form

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Size: 113 KB


Scientific Presentation Evaluation Form

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Size: 288 KB


Presentation Skills Evaluation Form

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Size: 25 KB


Medical Presentation Evaluation Form

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Size: 32 KB


Money Overview Presentation Evaluation Form in PDF

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Size: 59 KB


Research Presentation Evaluation Form

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Size: 6 KB



When doing a presentation, a speaker should talk in a clear and audible way in order for the audience to understand his message. An assessor can take into consideration the pace of the speech, was it delivered too quickly or too slowly? Did the speaker use a language that was understandable and were the words properly enunciated? Was the speaker presenting in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear?


Lastly, a good presentation is one that is able to provide a clear and attention-grabbing introduction, an understandable and well-organized body, and a memorable conclusion.

An effective speaker also needs to be able to smoothly transition from one topic to another. Questions, quotes, sayings, or short stories can be used to start off a speech while a summary, restating the main idea of the speech, or leaving an interesting impression, anecdote, quote, etc., can help in ending a presentation well.

While evaluating a presentation helps a speaker to improve, it is also important that an evaluation of a presentation is clearly written down for reference purposes and is able to provide clarity when outlining areas for improvement. You can use our Sample FormsPresentation Evaluation Forms, Workshop Evaluation Forms, and Peer Evaluation Forms to help you save on time and money and make sure that you are able to properly document and organize your evaluations.

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