A statement is an explicit declaration that is provided by someone wanting to express facts or details. A written statement is putting those declarations on writing and then having it duly signed or stamped by the concerned authority. Statements are written for a lot of varying reasons, such as in business or for legal purposes. It is recommended that a downloadable statement template is used in order to create a written statement in the proper way.
Using a reliable source for statement forms help to ensure that proper guidelines and structure of the statements are being provided. Different statements have been written in different ways, thus finding the right kind of template is important. You can choose from our wide array of statement forms available in Doc and in PDF format to help you save on time and money.
Voluntary Statement Forms
Navy Voluntary Form
Police Voluntary Written Form
Voluntary Witness Form
Voluntary Form in PDF
Why Should We Write Statements?
The use and the purpose of writing a declared statement can greatly vary, depending on the type of particular statement given. A witness statement, for instance, will greatly differ from a financial statement, a bank statement, and a proxy statement in purpose and in objective. Each type of statement is geared toward providing as much detail and information about a particular report, event, or an incident.
What Is a Personal Financial Statement?
A personal financial statement carries information that provides the exact and detailed data of a customer’s financial status. The statement will usually incorporate the structure of costs, such as one’s daily living expenses, liabilities, fixed assets, and the income or wages of an individual. A budget form may also be utilized in such circumstances. A personal financial statement form is also utilized by banks or financial agencies in order to ascertain the type of risk that is linked to a client who wishes to apply for a loan or for processing credit card applications. Our free statement forms, Financial Statement Templates, and sample statement forms below are designed to tally down an individual’s income, expenditures, assets, and liabilities.
Witness Statement Forms
Accident Investigation Witness Form
Blank Witness Form
Witness Affidavit Form
Witness Statement Form in PDF
Proxy Statement Forms
Annual Proxy Summary Form
Proxy Statement Form Sample
Financial Statement Forms
Personal Financial Form
Business Financial Form
Financial Request Form in PDF
How to Fill Out a Sworn Statement Form
As previously mentioned, the contents of a written statement will vary according to its use and purpose. However, generally speaking, a written statement usually includes the following information:
- The complete name of the person providing the statement
- The date that the request was made
- The name of the person requesting the statement
- The written statement as well as detailed facts and reasons that support the statement
- The signature of the affiant
- The date signed
- The signature of a notary public (or a witness)
How to Create a Statement Form
Furnishing a written statement should be geared toward the main objective of creating one in the first place. The purpose of drawing up a statement can result to varied forms and ways of creating one. A basic personal statement, for instance, can be drawn up in a much simpler format, while a more official statement, such as a witness statement, may need to follow a specific type of format or structure of writing. However, despite their different types and uses, statements should include a few important things:
- Providing Important Dates – The date, time, and location of what is being shared in the statement should be clearly provided. This does not only provide a clear and factual declaration of the report, it also helps to provide an accurate account of the information that is being shared.
- Affixing Signatures – The person or the people declaring the statement should affix his/her signature to prove that the statement was provided willfully and with consent. You can also view our printable statement forms and Employee Statement Forms for your perusal.
Profit and Loss Statement Forms
Profit and Loss Form Sample
Business Profit and Loss Form
Personal Profit and Loss Form
Sworn Statement Forms
Army Sworn Form
Sworn Construction Form
Sworn Affidavit Form
Personal Financial Statement Forms
Blank Personal Financial Form
Personal Business Financial Form
Victim Impact Statement Forms
Crime Victim Impact Form
Victim Impact Information Form
Statement of Claim Forms
Statement in Support of Claim Form
Statement of Subscriber’s Claim Form
Statement of Small Claim Form
What Is a Business Activity Statement?
A business activity statement (BAS) is a type of form that is used to report taxation obligations. These forms are passed to the Australian Taxation office and also includes taxes for Pay As You Go Withholding (PAYGW), Pay As You Go Installments (PAYGI), Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT), Wine Equalization Tax (WET), Luxury Car Tax (LCT).
Different companies and organizations utilize a wide array of business activity statement forms. You can also download from our available statement forms online. The forms that are used by an agency will usually depend on the varying liabilities that need to be taxed.
What Is a Financial Statement?
A Financial Statement is also known to be a financial report wherein it documents or keeps track of the financial status and financial activities of a company, an individual, or an organization. Financial statements are usually drawn up in order to aid in the management and handling of cash flow and to analyze the data obtained in order to maximize and increase the incoming cash flow. When used for business purposes, a financial statement is geared toward providing a comprehensive report on a business’ income, revenue, profit, loss, and expenditures.
Income Statement Forms
Operating Income Form
Employee Income Form
Income Tax Form
Personal Statement Forms
Personal History Form
Personal Application Form
Undergraduate Personal Form
Statement of Affairs Forms
Personal Statement of Affairs Form
Financial Affairs Form
Company Statement of Affairs Form
Statement of Information Forms
Information Filing Form
Financial Information Form
Statement by Supplier Forms
ABN Statement by Supplier Form
Office Statement by Supplier Form
Statement by Supplier Form in PDF
Statement of Means Forms
Statement of Means Application Form
Court Statement of Means Form
Order for Production of Statement of Means Form
Statement of Facts Forms
General Statement of Facts Form
Blank Statement of Facts Form
Facts and Incident Form
What Is a Witness Statement?
A Witness Statement is similar to an affidavit. It contains a written declaration of facts and details that a witness has to say about a legal case. A witness statement is a prerequisite to a legal proceeding in court and needs to be submitted prior to providing an evidence in the court of law. The statement needs to be signed by the witness. Affixing his signature on the statement willfully will automatically bind the affiant under oath and any declared information incorporated in the affidavit that is falsified can lead to perjury and can result to imprisonment.
What Should Be Incorporated in a Witness Statement?
- The name of the case
- The complete name of the witness
- The complete address of the witness
- The witness’ full and complete testimony
- A provision of the evidences used to support the testimony
- The witness’ signature
Statement forms are necessary in both business and personal situations. They are supplied to support facts, to provide details, and to provide a clear outline of the things that have transpired. A witness statement, for example, is aimed to provide a more detailed information about a case. A Financial Statement, on the other hand, is drawn up to help lay out the financial route of a business or a company and if it is succeeding financially. Statement forms are crucial in our day-to-day lives, which is why it is imperative that a statement form that is practical and reliable is used in order to provide a clear outline of data. You can download from our wide array of statement forms to help you save on time and money.
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