A receipt is a document that acknowledges the items or services for the specific amount cost and total. It is a piece of paper that recognizes and is proof that both individuals exchanged services. A receipt is a very common document when we talk about exchanging value in the market industry.

It is a list of value items or services including the amount cost of each item or services rendered. The market industry uses this kind of document to determine the market sales in the business as well as to count the overall sales on that particular day in order to make analysis in marketing strategies.

Rent Receipt Forms

Receipt of House Rent

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 9 KB


Delivery Receipt Forms

Hand Delivery Mail Receipt

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 251 KB


Policy Delivery

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 4 KB


Cash Receipt Forms

Petty Cash

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 6 KB


Cash Receipt Transmittal Form

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 6 KB


Donation Receipt Forms

Sample Official Donation Receipt

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 12 KB


Donation Receipt Form Example

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 16 KB


Benefits of a Receipt

A receipt is not only a piece of paper that you can just throw after a transaction of exchanging services or goods. In your business, you must include providing a receipt in every marketing transaction simply because your company can gain a lot of benefits on some terms. As you go on through this website, you will see a lot of receipt forms that we offer and hopefully, could help you in your business in terms of making a receipt. You can always check our website if you have trouble in creating a receipt form or you can just simply hit Download and use it as your guide.

  • Completes the Record. Having an official receipt in your business can complete the record of the transaction for this will be the supporting document of the recorded transaction on that particular purchase or service rendered.
  • Reduce Audit. In the accounting department, one of the main problems is the lack of strong documents such as official receipt in auditing. Having an official receipt is important simply because it could minimize the risk involving audit. It is also the one to support the existence of a transaction.
  • Strong Evidence. This is the one that is most beneficial in a business. A receipt is the only one strong evidence to prove that a transaction happened.
  • Reduces Tax Payments. It could also be used to reduce your business tax payables in a legal way. The official receipt could be used also as expenses in your business that is deducted to your sale. It could mainly affect to reduce your business tax payments due to a lower net income.

What to Include in a Receipt

  • Date. as you can see in our sample receipt, you can notice that there is always a date on every receipt. That is to prove that the transaction happened on that day. The reason costumers store the receipt you’ve provided that day is to trace any issues in the future.
  • List of Item and Cost. This is very common in a receipt especially when the consumer purchases an item. Your business must include putting the list and cost to trace down item purchased as well as the amount of that item. Also, your business could easily make the auditing part.
  • Signature and Name of the Representative. This must be included also in your receipt in terms of delivering items to a customer. This is to prove that the item was successfully received by the clients. You must include this part in your delivery receipt (delivery receipt template) to give assurance to the customer that if there are any complaints in a delivery process, the business could identify immediately the problem and fix the issue, and it is good for your company in that the customer could trust your business.


In a business, having a receipt is very important because it contains a lot of relevant information. We have here an abundance of receipt forms on this website. If you are planning to create one based on the type of receipt you want, we are offering here different types of receipt form (see also work receipt template).

Property Receipt Forms

Company Property

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 3 KB


Receipt for Uniform and Property

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 8 KB


Missing Receipt Forms

Missing Receipt Affidavit

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 11 KB


Missing Receipt/Invoice Affidavit

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 7 KB


Missing Receipt Declaration

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 6 KB


College Missing Receipt

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 178 KB


Lost Receipt Forms

Lost Receipt/Invoice Affidavit

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 17 KB


Lost Receipt

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 42 KB


Key Receipt Forms

Employee Key Receipt

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 3 KB


Sample Key Receipt

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 2 KB


Types of Receipt Form

There are many kinds of businesses that need receipts, and each would need a receipt that is befitting of the type of business they have. Below are the different types of receipt forms available with their corresponding description.

  • Key Receipt Forms. This type of receipt is usable in terms of an agreement, responsibility, and obligation. This receipt is given to a specific individual to take care of the key and it is his/her responsibility to keep it. This is like an agreement that no other individual can keep the key except to the person that it is assigned to. This is to document that he/she is not allowed to make a duplicate of that key and to return the key at the termination of a lease. See further details about this receipt by downloading it.
  • Property Receipt Forms. Use this receipt in acknowledging the company’s property. This is to list down all the items inside the company or owned by the company. Employees are not allowed to use it for some personal activities. This receipt is also useful as an inventory or keeping track of the items.
  • Donation Receipt Forms. This receipt is used when you wish to donate items for a particular organization. This is to legalize the transaction and to prove that the donor made a donation to an organization and tax-deductible by the donor.
  • Cash Receipt Forms. This is basically a receipt between a vendor and a consumer. This receipt is to list down services rendered by a company and the amount cost base on the service to bill the customer. This similar to making an invoice to your service (see also sales-invoice-template).
  • Delivery Receipt Forms. This receipt is used in delivery services. Basically, you need to issue this kind of receipt so that you can identify that the item was already received by the customer, followed by the customer’s and delivery representative’s name and signature in order to make a strong proof of the sale and receipt of the item.
  • Rent Receipt Forms. If you are a landlord, this type of receipt could help you in your rental business. This is to document all the payment including the date and the signature of both parties.


Thus, in the business, it is very vital to have an official receipt because a receipt can give many benefits to your business. A good example would be that a receipt can trace all the items and the amount cost of that particular item. It’s also used for inventory. This is to prove that the item is purchased on that specific date with the signature of the representative.

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