A recruitment request form is the document used by departments and other organizations to relay their intent to the human resource department regarding the need to recruit people who can serve as additional workforce to the specific department or team. There are many reasons why a recruitment request has been made, which is why recruitment request forms must be filled with the accurate information needed to be known.

We can provide you with sample recruitment request forms that you may use as references in knowing the items that are involved in this particular document. Other than that, our templates of different Sample Forms used for various transactions are also available for download.

Sample Staff Recruitment Request Form

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Size: 432 KB


Recruitment Request Form Example

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Size: 32 KB


Employee Recruitment Request Form

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Size: 114 KB


Reason for Vacancy

A recruitment request form must be able to justify the department’s need for another recruit. A few of the reasons for vacancy that the department need to further explain are as follows:

  • there is a new position that has been open for application in the specific department because of new job functions that the department needs to provide to the company;
  • an employee separation has ocurred or is to occur because of resignation;
  • the person holding the vacated job position has filed for a leave of absence, which is why someone needs to do the duties that will be left behind;
  • employees of the department may be promoted and a new employee is needed to assure that the job functions that the promoted employee will still be fulfilled; and
  • an employee from the department has been reassigned to another department.


Other than our recruitment request form templates, you may also be interested to browse through our Leave Request Forms and Travel Request Forms.

General Recruitment Request Form

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Size: 74 KB


Personnel Recruitment Request Form

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Size: 64 KB


On-Campus Recruitment Request Form

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Size: 21 KB


Regular Recruitment Request Form

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Size: 93 KB


Adjunct Instructor Recruitment Request Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 66 KB


The Employee Being Replaced

If the recruitment request is not because of a new position and is for the replacement of an employee, the information of the employee being replaced must also be stated so that the human resource department will know the qualifications of the person that they need to hire for the department. A few of these professional information are as follows:

  • the job position of the employee being replaced,
  • the classification of the job done by the employee,
  • the work functions that the employee is bound to do every working day,
  • the skills level needed for the job to be filled,
  • the time base of the job, and
  • the salary of the employee in the vacated open position.

Other Items in the Recruitment Request Form

More than the items that we have already listed above, here are other information that shall be seen in a basic recruitment request form:

  • the employment status of the position open for employment application,
  • the work schedule to be followed by the person who will be assigned in the particular professional position,
  • the leave and work off credits of the positions,
  • the special conditions of the work position,
  • the competency requirements of the work position, and
  • approval of the people involved in the decisions pertaining to recruitment authorization.


Aside from our recruitment request form templates, you may also download our Vacation Request Forms for additional knowledge about a new subject matter.

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