Today’s world is ruled by money and so it is important to always be wary when spending it. You would always want to get your money’s worth. When you have not availed a product or service you have already paid for, you may need to seek for a reimbursement. This way, you get the money you spent back. Apart from money, reimbursement could also be done to things.

When asking for a reimbursement, you would often need to fill out a form to make an official request. Reimbursement request forms are present for this purpose. You can check out our Sample Forms to see what goes into these kinds of forms and even to use for your own.

Sample Tuition Reimbursement Request Form

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Size: 158 KB


Reimbursement Check Request Form in PDF

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Size: 89 KB


Flexible Spending Account Reimbursement Request Form Example

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Size: 56 KB



Engineering Reimbursement Request Form

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Size: 51 KB


Purchase and Reimbursement Request Form

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Size: 81 KB


Prescription Reimbursement Request Form

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Size: 81 KB


Parts of a Reimbursement Request Form

Like any request forms such as Donation Request Forms and Travel Request Forms, reimbursement request forms come in all shapes and sizes. Like these forms, they are also subject to evaluation for approval or denial. Different organizations also have different appearance and elements that are contained in them. However, these are the elements that are usually found in these kinds of documents.

  • Requestor Personal Information – Certain personal information about the requestor are required to be filled out in the form. Depending on the company, these information could include the name, address, date of birth, contact number, and so on.
  • Reimbursement Information – This is where details on the reimbursement transaction are placed in detail. Some fields included in this part include the reason for the request, how the requestor will be reimbursed, and so on.
  • Signature and Certification – An authorized person needs to approve the request and the signatures of these people and the needed certifications should be present.

Importance of Reimbursement Request Forms

Any organization would need to have an official document that customers can use to make official requests for reimbursement. Having one means you are willing to serve your clients better and you want to give them the best possible experience. It also further boosts your reliability and professionalism.

Personal Reimbursement Request Form

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Size: 172 KB


Wage Reimbursement Request Form

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Size: 78 KB


Travel Reimbursement Request Form

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Size: 27 KB


Member Reimbursement Request Form

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Size: 53 KB


Section Reimbursement Request Form

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Size: 109 KB


Thesis Reimbursement Request Form

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Size: 108 KB


Tips in Making a Reimbursement Request Form

  • Keep it short. As with any form that you give to customers, these documents also need to be short. It is proven that with customers, the shorter the form is, the bigger the conversion rate. Make sure to only ask for details that are necessary for the reimbursement process.
  • Clearly label all the fields. There are some necessary information that you don’t want to get lost in translation, so make sure that the labels you put on each field is clear and easy to understand.
  • Use our sample reimbursement request form samples. Our samples have all the right elements that should be found in a reimbursement request form. Save time and use these samples as it is or as a guide.


Reimbursement requests are a commonplace in any kind of businesses. Just as employees can easily ask for a leave using Leave Request Forms, customers also need to have an easy way of asking for reimbursements. Our sample forms make this work easy for you and your clients.

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