People make requests all the time. From asking for a piece of paper from your classmates in class to requesting for a change of seats in the workplace, it has almost become a part of everyday life. When you make a request, you would always want to do it politely so that you have a better chance of getting what you want. In the workplace, making requests is done through requisition forms.

Requisition forms are the main documents used when making a formal request. As with anything about making requests, it is still subject for approval. Our sample requisition forms will save you time when making a requisition of your own and they are in PDF format, so using them should be easy.

Restaurant Requisition Transfer Form Template

restaurant requisition transfer form template

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Size: A4, US


Lab Requisition Forms

Lab Test Requisition Form

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Size: 300 KB


Screening Lab Requisition Form

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Size: 126 KB


Purchase Requisition Forms

IT Purchase Requisition Form

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Size: 81 KB


Purchase Order Requisition Form

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Size: 44 KB


Purchase Requisition Approval Form

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Size: 38 KB


Club Purchase Requisition Form

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Size: 341 KB


Material Requisition Forms

Material Requisition Form Sample

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Size: 41 KB


New Material Requisition Form

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Size: 13 KB


Cleaning Material Requisition Form

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Size: 41 KB


Radioactive Material Requisition Form

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Size: 4 KB


Employee Requisition Forms

University Employee Requisition Form

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Size: 32 KB


College Employee Requisition Form

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Size: 1 MB


New Employee Requisition Form

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Size: 144 KB


What Is a Requisition Form?

In an organization, when making a request, you need to put it into writing in order to make a formal demand. Requisition forms are the formal documents in which these demands are written. When making a request for boxes of paper clips, for example, it is usually the purchasing department that takes care of this concern. The employees fill out the requisition form and it is given to the purchasing department. The budget department of course is also involved with the whole process. The budget department usually gives a list of names of people that are authorized to approve these requisitions. Any form that is not signed by these authorities are declined.

Because there are many things that an organization needs, requisition forms come in all shapes and sizes. They have a lot of different uses in the organization. For instance, employees can make a request for basic supplies for their own use or they could make a request for an employee travel that is required for the job.

What Is a Purchase Requisition Form?

When thinking of requisition forms, one of the first things that usually come to mind is a purchase requisition. Purchase requisition forms are the official record that an employee must complete when making a request for certain goods or services. These requests have to go through an approval process. These types of requests are usually evaluated based on the cost and the nature of the request. Purchase requisitions come in various forms, but there are general elements that are present in all of them.

  • Date – The date when the requisition was prepared should be placed in the document.
  • Requested By – The person who made the request needs to print his or her name and correspondingly signed.
  • Approved By – Only the people approved by the budget department should sign here. When a signature from these authorized people in the organization are found, it means that the funds for that are available.
  • Suggested Supplier – Print the full name and address of the vendors that are qualified to make a bid on the requisition if you know them. To learn more about making a request for a price quotation, check out these request for quote samples.
  • Delivery Required – Clearly state the date when you need to have the items. When the items are required for delivery as soon as possible, make sure to label this part “Urgent” so they know the items are needed immediately.
  • Account Distribution – The proper department who made the request should be the one charged with the cost of the item.
  • Items – List the name of the items you need.
  • Quantity and Unit – Clearly state the quantity and unit of the item that you need.
  • Description – An accurate description of the item is needed so that the right item is delivered.
  • Estimated Unit Price – Indicate the estimated cost of one unit of issue of the item. At the bottom, calculate the total estimated cost.

Job Requisition Forms

Human Resources Job Requisition Form

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Size: 124 KB


Job Requisition Form Sample

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Size: 54 KB


Blank Job Requisition Form

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Size: 540 KB


Equipment Requisition Forms

Camp Equipment Requisition Form

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Size: 13 KB


Engineering Equipment Requisition Form

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Size: 93 KB


Equipment Retirement Requisition Form

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Size: 28 KB


Equipment Rental Requisition Form

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Size: 56 KB


Budget Requisition Forms

PTA Budget Requisition Form

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Size: 99 KB


Sample Budget Requisition Form

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Size: 210 KB


Supply Requisition Forms

Client Supply Requisition Form

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Size: 39 KB


Clinical Supply Requisition Form

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Size: 396 KB


Chapter Supply Requisition Form

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Size: 40 KB


Lodge Supply Requisition Form

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Size: 584 KB


Types of Requisition Forms

When making a request in any organization, you are usually given a requisition form to fill out. These requisition forms are found in almost every organization and they are very important parts of it. Through them, employees are able to tell people in the management what it is that they need to do their job well. There are many things that employees could ask for and put on their requisition forms. Some of these types of requisition forms based on their uses are listed below.

  • Purchase Requisition Form – Any organization have items that they need in order for them to get their job done. Something as little as paper clips are actually vital in the company. This requisition form is a request of all the supplies and stocks that the company needs. Click on the sample purchase order forms to see the difference between these two.
  • Cheque Requisition Form – When you need a cheque for whatever purposes, you would still need to file a formal request to have them. After all, they are a means by which money is transferred to other people, so they are very valuable. When filling out one, you would most likely see fields that require you to write the name of the person to whom the cheque is to be issued, the total amount of the cheque, and so on.
  • Employee/Job Requisition Form – When a position is available in the company, the hiring manager would need to file a formal request stating that there is a need for an employee to fill that position. When approved, he or she can start the hiring process. Elements typically found in this type of requisition include the job title, the department where it belongs, and the job description for the position.
  • Medical Requisition Form – Laboratory tests and OR procedures that the patient must do are often requested by doctors. When this is the case, the patient would need to fill out these medical requisition forms to go through with the testings and procedures.
  • Parts Requisition Form – There are times when the cause of your equipment acting up is just because of one part of it. You would need a replacement for that part and you need to make that request through a parts requisition form. You would need to fill out the name of the part, a description of it, and so on.
  • Travel Requisition Form – When employees are asked to go for a trip for company purposes, he or she would still need to file a formal request, subject to approval of higher management.

Importance of Requisition Forms

Any company would need a formal way of making requests. Requisition forms are effective ways of doing that. They are a very quick way of making a request and all the necessary details are listed so you are sure to get the exact item or service that you need. They are also the basis by which purchase order are issued, so legally they are also very important documents.

Staff Requisition Forms

Staff Personnel Requisition Form

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Size: 64 KB


Blank Staff Requisition Form

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Size: 150 KB


Personnel Requisition Forms

Personnel Requisition Form Sample

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Size: 653 KB


Personnel Requisition Position Form

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Size: 15 KB


New Personnel Requisition Form

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Size: 292 KB


School Personnel Requisition Form

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Size: 60 KB


Cheque Requisition Forms

Cheque/Cash Requisition Form

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Size: 30 KB


SLS Cheque Requisition Form

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Size: 44 KB


Student Association Cheque Requisition Form

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Size: 103 KB


Club Cheque Requisition Form

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Size: 106 KB


Asset Requisition Forms

Fixed Asset Requisition Form

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Size: 116 KB


IT Asset Requisition Form

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Size: 4 KB


Capital Asset Requisition Form

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Size: 86 KB


Asset Management Requisition Form

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Size: 165 KB


Tips When Making a Requisition

Requisition forms have almost become a routine part of every organization that everyone just goes through the process hastily. Some employees do not even take too much time when making these requests. However, if they truly want to get the exact product or service that they need, they would have to start taking these forms seriously. Also, take note that these requisition forms are still subject for approval, so careful thought still needs to be done when filling out these forms. We have compiled some helpful tips that you can use when making a requisition.

  • Provide adequate details. You would need to get the exact items or services that you need, so to save the precious time of everyone involved in the whole process, be sure to provide all the necessary details to make a proper request. You do not want to get the wrong item delivered to you only to be sent back because they were not the right item. When you have specific delivery instructions, make sure to also clearly state them in the form.
  • Check the budget. It is likely that you know the budgetary allocations for your department. Be sure to check the budget for your department and match that to the requisition form.
  • Be realistic. In line with the tip mentioned above, you would have to be realistic with your requests. You can’t make a request for a coffee machine for your office when it is not needed or when the budget does not permit it. You have to carefully examine what it is that you really need to get your job done as well as if the budget can cover it.
  • Lay out the test methods that will be used in testing the products or services. Bidders on the requisition may need to know how they are being tested so it would help to show how they will be evaluated. This way, you are sure to get the best offer possible because all vendors are putting their best foot forward to win the bid.


Requisition forms are very valuable documents in the organization. Like any other documents such as resumes and cover letters for job, they also need to be done carefully and properly. Save time when doing a request by using these sample requisition forms. They are in PDF format, so downloading and printing them for your own use should not be a problem.

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