If you’re someone who is about to accept a roommate, it is important that you make an official agreement so you, as the landlord, will have an understanding in regards with the terms and conditions in living together. However, here are some 9+ Sample Roommate Agreement Sample Forms that could help you get ideas on your agreement draft. All of these can be downloaded for free and it can also be customized and personalized.

Sample Apartment Roommate Agreement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 128 KB


Roommate Rental Agreement Form in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 85 KB


College Roommate Agreement Form Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 26 KB


Sample Roommate Lease Agreement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 167 KB


Free Roommate Contract Agreement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 250 KB


Having your own apartment is certainly liberating as it gives you a sense of independence, but with such freedom, you are reliable to be very responsible with yourself and your duties.

However, being independent does not mean an easy-free life. The responsibilities you are going to face is heavier than you could ever think, especially if you only live on a minimal wage basis. Money is everything in this ever-practical world, and so being wise about it would save you from the perils of living in this really complex world. So, for someone who is living independently but only survive through minimal means, getting a roommate is definitely a wise decision, as this can help you lessen the daily or monthly expenses, as both of you will certainly share the expenditure within the house such as electricity, food, water, and other bills such as telephone and Internet, but only applicable when the roommate is using it.

Before accepting any roommate, it is best to do a little background research about the individual. You’ll never know, you might end up living with a psychopath. It is certainly better to be sure and safe than to be sorry. Once you have finally chosen the perfect roommate, then let him/her sign an agreement, to make sure you both are on the same page and respect the undertaking you have ought to follow. Aside from the roommate agreement form, you both are also obliged to sign the Rent Agreement Forms or Lease Agreement Forms by the landlord who owns the place you are renting.

Standard House Roommate Agreement Form

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  • PDF

Size: 127 KB


Blank Roommate Agreement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 9 KB


Printable Residential Roommate Agreement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 40 KB


Basic Short Roommate Agreement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 200 KB


Off-Campus Roommate Agreement Form in Word

File Format
  • DOCX

Size: 7 KB


Aside from the agreement form that you and the roommate have signed, it is also preferable to sign a Confidentiality Agreement Forms, that only both of you know, as this is the strongest form of agreement, easily followed by both parties, as uncompromising with it will lead to serious legal actions.

Using the Sample Roommate Agreement Templates

  • Editable Receipt Templates

All the files in here can be downloaded for free. You can edit and customize the file in Word format.

  • Print Samples Receipts

These templates are all print-ready and can be printed in all types of paper. Choose your own preference.

  • Save in PDF Format

All of the downloads can be saved in PDF file.

If you liked our sample templates, we have more samples and ideas to help you with your next business paper needs. If you want another set of agreement form samples, you might want to check out Business Purchase Agreement.

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