A work order, as how Wikipedia would define it, is an order received by an organization from a client or from the customer; it could also be an order that is created within the organization. It is also known as job order, work ticket, job ticket, or a service ticket. So basically, it is typically a legal binding and a written request for specified goods, items, or products that is made by the customer.

Interestingly enough, a work order is oftentimes used as an invoice by some companies, especially when working with external customers. Also, do not forget to consider checking out some Sample Forms that you might find useful and helpful.

Maintenance Work Order Form

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Size: 198 KB


Sample Work Change Order Form

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Size: 109 KB


Subcontract Work Order Form in PDF

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Size: 65 KB


Work Order Form Example

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Size: 266 KB


Mechanic Work Order Form

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Size: 84 KB


When using and creating your own work order forms, you also would need to include important things since typically, a work order form would somehow follow a pattern when it comes to writing or creating it. On the other hand, although a work order form is considered to follow some sort of a pattern when writing or creating it, it is also customizable and as long as you were able to get your points across and every single thing that is considered significant are all in there. You might also want to check out some Sample Order Forms for free, which you might find useful and helpful and beneficial enough for your career progress and growth.

Here are some important notes, details, and tips that you should consider paying attention to. Aside from that, here are also some free sample order forms that you may find useful.

  • Job or Task – this is where job description is being specified. A detailed scope of the services that are being offered and requested can be indicated in this section too. If, for example, the the independent contractor showed overwhelming required quantification for the said job position, then you can definitely opt to have an advanced work form that must be fitting for the hiring client services since it would allow you to be much more detailed and specific as compared to the normal and regular work order form.

Work Order Request Form

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Size: 81 KB


Engineering Work Order Form

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Size: 344 KB


Work Order Completion Form

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Size: 30 KB


Field Survey Work Order Form Example

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Size: 32 KB


Work Order Agreement Form

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Size: 129 KB


Work Change Order Form

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Size: 31 KB


  • Brand: Your Logo or the Company Name – this is where you show off, showcase or highlight (or whatever you want to call it) the name of your company and such.
  • Work Order Number or WO# – a work order number is a uniquely specific number that is used to identify the job or the job position in which you are in.
  • Bill To – the personal information of the customer who will be billed for the work such as his or her name, address, and contact number.
  • Ship To – basically the details such as the name, the address, and the contact information as to where the final product or output will be shipped to.
  • Quantity – this is where you can enter the a numerical value of either the amount of parts or the amount of materials that are used for the job or the number of hours.


Furthermore, you can also check out Sample Change Order Forms, which you might find useful.

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