Being a speaker in front of a lot of audiences can be a very startling experience, especially when you are a shy type. However, to be an effective speaker, one must have the confidence and charisma in order to grasp the attention of your audience. It is also important that you will be mindful with your words and the choice of topics you are going to discuss as this will the lifeline of your performance as a speaker.

To know your capability as a speaker, you must prepare a feedback form and hand it out to your audience. To create an effective feedback form, you might want to check out these 8+ Speaker Feedback Sample Forms, as the samples provided prove to be very insightful. If you wanted the templates we have provided, you can also use them as all of it can be downloaded and edited, for free.

Guest Speaker Feedback Form in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 68 KB


Speaker Engagement Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 59 KB


Conference Speaker Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 25 KB


Speaker Quality Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 59 KB


To create a valuable presentation feedback form, you must write down direct and clear questions, as that could give you results or answers that you are looking for. However, here are the context you need to include on your feedback form:

Speaker’s Information

This is the first indicator, whether you are an effective speaker or not. If the audience remembers your name, then probably you have captured their attention.

  • Your name (speaker)
  • Topics discussed
  • Venue of the presentation (speaker) 


Audiences’ Feedback

Let’s face it, there are just audiences who aren’t really interested in giving feedback; however, if you have been effective in getting their attention and left them out with a powerful mark, then most likely these audiences would love to give you a feedback. In this section, here are the questions you need to consider:

  • Did you enjoy the presentation?
  • Did the speaker present a relevant topic?
  • Did the speaker discuss the topics clear enough?
  • Did the speaker give you insights about an important matter?
  • Is the speaker lively? Interesting?
  • Is the overall experience with the presentation worth your time?


The form should be encouraging for the audiences to give out their opinions and views with the speaker’s performance. It is important to include questions that would directly correlate with their actual experience within the presentation.

Want to know what your client might be thinking with your services or performance? Then why not try creating a feedback form and submit it to him. If you want ideas, you can check out these Client Feedback Forms. It features awesome template ideas and all of it can be yours for free.

Vintage Speaker Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 550 KB


Speech Center Speaker Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 5 KB


Speaker Feedback Form Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 24 KB


The whole purpose of this speaker feedback is to evaluate your performance as an effective speaker. The feedback you have been getting, whether good or bad, will help you improve, pushing yourself to your highest potential. All in all, take all the feedback as something constructive, which could help you be a better speaker or performer.

Need a feedback form for your workshop? These Workshop Feedback Forms might be useful as it offers great design templates that certainly suits your needs.

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