Incident is an event or occurrence that happens unexpectedly that could bring panic and alarm to anyone who is related to the one who actually experienced the said event. Dictionaries defined this as occurring or likely to occur especially as a minor consequence or accompaniment. Incidents can happen anywhere, especially in places where crowd is there, schools are not an exemption for this.

A lot of different types of incidents are happening inside a school premise that could possibly put someone or something in a bad shape. This may include students themselves. Major student incidents may include sexual harassment, sexual violence, stalking, unlawful discrimination, bullying, theft, drug usage, physical assault threat etc. These are serious offenses that a school should not just let pass but immediately take action with. The school should immediately talk to the concerned parties and have an investigation about the incident to swiftly conduct needed and necessary actions.

Minor incidents include vandalism, behavior problems, alcohol usage, academic dishonesty, etc. This may not sound so urgent but it needs just the same urgency as the major incidents that should be addressed immediately with. Before undergoing all the investigation an major actions, one must be able to make a student incident report in order to formalize the request for action. If you are having trouble doing report from the scratch, scroll down for some templates that could suffice your needs and customize it according to your preference.

10+ Student Incident Report Form Samples

1. Student Incident Report Form Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 159 KB


2. Student or Visitors Incident Report Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 120 KB


3. Student Unusual Incident Report Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 112 KB


4. Printable Student Incident Report Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 5 KB


5. Student Conduct Incident Report Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 185 KB


6. Editable Student Incident Report Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 95 KB


7. College Student Incident Report Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 124 KB


8. Student Behavior Incident Report Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 556 KB


9. Student or Employee Incident Report Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 9 KB


10. Professional Student Incident Report Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 32 KB


11. Standard Student Incident Report Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 690 KB


How To Write a Student Incident Report?

There can be a lot of reasons for student incidents that needs to be reported to immediately conduct proper actions. But below are some useful tips on how to make or write an incident report in general, you might want to consider some of these.

Be Specific, Detailed, Factual, and Objective

This aspect is very important because there is a need for an incident report to be specified on the events that happened, this includes the date of the incident, the time it happened, the parties involved, the materials or resources that were damaged, and the complete narrative statements of the event. This must be stated by both parties in order to maintain objectivity and avoid bein unfair or biased in writing the details or the facts.

Only Include Behavioral Information Related to Policy Enforcement

As much as necessary, do not include previous issues or previous behavioral issues that are not related with the offense of any party involved. This is to maintain fairness and objectivity of your report. You do not need to have a narration of the past event but you are task to mainly focus on the details and factual information on events and behavior of the incident at hand.

Do Not Forget to Write the Type of Incident

Writing the type of incident would give the authorized reader an idea in what the report is all about. And they could properly determine and classify ahead the possible penalties and actions that they need to enforce in resolving and responding incident.


What are the three types of incident that you need to deal with?

Major Incidents. Large-scale incidents may not come up too often, but when they do hit, organizations need to be prepared to deal with them quickly and efficiently. Repetitive Incidents. Complex Incidents.

What are the five steps for incident resolution?

Incident Identification, Logging, and Categorization. Incidents are identified through user reports, solution analyses, or manual identification. Incident Notification & Escalation. Investigation and Diagnosis. Resolution and Recovery. Incident Closure.

Getting yourself in between troubles, may it be you are the concerned party, involved party or the resolving party, still, making reports and resolutions for these incidents may be a difficult thing and may give anyone who can handle it with headaches. Schools are considered as conducive learning environment but incidents are really inevitable especially with the very active learners that gives life to the institution. With this, we are helping you get ready with the necessary teacher-student related documents and templates that you need to have; incident report, action plan, or schedule organizer.

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