Word has it that teaching is the oldest profession. If you really think about it, when we hear the word teacher, a lot of faces and names appear into the picture. That’s because we have been taught all our lives. From the basics—the alphabets, the vowels, and the consonants; the colors and numbers to manners and values—learning is not without teaching. Our grandparents, parents, nannies were our first teachers before we got enrolled in formal education.

Teaching is the dedicated, meritorious sharing of one’s knowledge and wisdom to another. And because teaching is a never-ending cycle, we are giving you Sample Forms related to the teaching profession—and they are for free!

Peer Teaching Evaluation Form Sample

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Size: 18 KB


Teacher Self Evaluation Form Example

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Size: 18 KB


Student Teaching Evaluation Form in PDF

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Size: 39 KB


Teacher Assistant Summative Evaluation Form

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Size: 443 KB


Given that teaching is perennial, teachers are always finding ways to make themselves better. Whether to check and keep their lesson plans and syllabi up-to-date, whether to check up on the success of their classroom management and strategies, or simply pull an all-nighter to finish their visual aids, let’s face it, students are not the only one who get evaluated. Teachers do too, from personal to peer assessments.

A lot of students rely on a teacher’s knowledge and skills in classroom instruction. The Center for Education and Statistics has compiled various reasons why teachers are evaluated, among them are

  • to encourage personal and professional development to teachers;
  • to help improve their skills and can motivate them to come up with more excellent teaching strategies;
  • to help them stress out that education should be about student outcomes;
  • to assess whether they have met the school’s standard, which also determines which teacher to discharge;
  • to acquire tenure and promotions; and
  • to determine their pay.


These reasons may vary. Teaching takes skill and a lot of practice through application. Aside from the lessons they get from actual student interactions, teachers also attend seminars and workshops. They also evaluate these seminars, whether or not they learned something from them. Below are some free Workshop Evaluation Forms.

Teachers also evaluate their fellow teachers. A so-called peer evaluation is a process where a teacher gets informative and constructive feedback for areas he/she identifies as a chance to be developed. The areas usually fall on the the effectiveness of classroom or teaching strategies. They should not see this as a threat to their career but as an opportunity to be better at what they do. Below are samples of Peer Evaluation Forms.

Teaching Demonstration Evaluation Form

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Size: 25 KB


Clinical Teaching Evaluation Form

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Size: 249 KB


Teacher Training Workshop Evaluation Form

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Size: 97 KB


University Teacher Evaluation Form

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Size: 355 KB


Teaching Evaluation Feedback Form

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Size: 125 KB


All students—whether you are still one or once was, it doesn’t matter—know full well the power of studying and practicing, whether you are trying to perfect an exam, to get better grades in your subjects, to get to the top of the honor’s list, or you simply just want to learn, there is always a chance to be better, but it takes a lot of time and practice. Teachers are like that too. They even do personal assessments, whether or not they have reached the standards they have set for themselves; see Sample Evaluation Forms for samples.

A tree must be sound in order to bear good fruits. If you think your teachers are giving you a hard time, just think that they got it rough too. Respect them—you probably won’t be surfing the Internet and reading this article if it weren’t for them.

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