When looking too closely at something, it becomes difficult to see the entire picture. Being so involved in a certain project leaves us with the tendency to forget to consider certain angles and perspectives because we are too focused on our own. You could be enthralled with a project and pour your very essence into it. You could fall so deeply, passionately, and crazy in love with a task that you think you understand every inch of it. You can only imagine your surprise when you are asked a question about it and couldn’t answer, or points out a flaw you didn’t notice, or a better option that didn’t even occur to you.

This is exactly why evaluations and feedback are important. Check out these evaluation Sample Forms that we have available for download.

Personal Trainer Evaluation Form in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 61 KB


Sample Trainer Self-Evaluation Form

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 148 KB


Athletic Trainer Evaluation Form

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 120 KB


Trainer Performance Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 86 KB



Training comes in many forms and methods. Sometimes, it is interactive and other times, it is not much different from a lecture. Training is held in the hopes of imparting knowledge and skills to people so they may improve their performance. Methods and mode of trainings vary and depend on the participants’ needs and learning styles. See these Training Evaluation Forms to help you assess the effectivity of your training methods.

Purpose of Getting Feedback

Having your training session evaluated by your participants help you determine the following:

  • Unexpected outcomes from the different activities and the reason behind this. No two trainings are exactly alike. The same activity would yield to different reflections by different groups. Knowing the reason behind possible outcomes would help you prepare for your next training activities.

  • The results of the evaluation would provide you with visible, numerical proof of the value that your training has added in working toward the objectives of your clients and participants. This is an advantage that you would benefit from if your participants are asked to respond to a survey-style questionnaire. See these Workshop Evaluation Forms to see what such would look like.

  • Getting evaluation would help you determine areas of improvement in you as a trainer and your training design as a whole. You, as a trainer, should have a basis to gauge what works with your clients and participants, what doesn’t, and what needs modifications. The perspective of the people who are on the receiving end of your training is a valuable tool in helping you find holes in your training design that you did not expect to be there.

Trainer Interview Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 59 KB


Exercise Trainer Evaluation Form

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 113 KB


Trainer Course Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 91 KB


Trainer Peer Evaluation Skills Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 114 KB


Trainer Competency Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 92 KB


Trainer Evaluation

As a trainer, ask to be evaluated in terms of the following:

  • Competency. You can only teach what you know. Make sure to research heavily on what you are attempting to impart on the participants so you are not left standing, embarrassed, with no answer to their questions.
  • Communication Skills. Are you talking too fast? Too slow? Were you able to convey your message that your participants were able to learn from you?


You might also consider taking videos of yourself and evaluate yourself on how you are doing. See these Self-Evaluation Forms that you might find useful.

As a trainer, the opinion of your participants is an essential tool to bettering yourself. Do not be afraid to ask for and receive evaluation. Also, brace yourself for some comments that may come out hurtful. Take every evaluation with a grain of salt.

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