When you’re looking at something too closely, it becomes difficult to see the entire picture. You spend so much time on it and study every single point and detail. You list down what it would take to complete your project, go over this list twice, maybe even thrice. You are so enthralled by it, so focused on getting it from the planning to the implementation stage. Like a fool in love, you latch yourself on to it, study it, and to you, it is perfect. You know and understand it so well. So you could only imagine your surprise when someone asks a question about it you couldn’t answer, points out a design flaw you didn’t notice, or mentions a detail you missed.

And this is exactly where it dawns on you that you should have checked out those feedback Sample Forms.

Technology Training Feedback Form

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Size: 20 KB


Sample Training Course Feedback Form

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Size: 309 KB


Personal Training Feedback Form

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Size: 143 KB


Training Feedback Form Example

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Size: 26 KB


Training Feedback Form Sample

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Size: 74 KB


Training Day Feedback Form Example

Why Should You Get Feedback?

When you’re too focused on a certain task and are working on it so closely, chances are that you would miss a couple of things or fail to mind certain options. When designing a training, there are a lot of important decisions you have to make and different personalities you have to consider. A fresh pair of eyes and an outside perspective will be more than useful. And who else better to ask fill out a Service Feedback Form than the people who received said service?

Purpose of Getting Feedback

Aside from understanding things from your clients’ points of view, these are some reasons why getting feedback for training is important:

  • So you would know if it is working. Getting feedback would help you determine whether or not your training design is imparting the skill and knowledge you meant it to. In other words, it helps you assess whether your objectives have been met.
  • So you’re aware of unintended outcomes. Not everything will go according to plan. Your training designs would have different effects on different people and you need to be aware of how it’ll affect them, positive or otherwise. Be prepared for the possible paths each activity would take.
  • To know how things are working. The whole is a sum of its parts, and you need to understand each part to come up with a good product. Know where you are doing well and what aspects of your design needs improvement so you could take appropriate action.

Training Feedback Form in PDF

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Size: 4 KB


Induction Staff Feedback Form

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Size: 8 KB


Sample Training Evaluation Form

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Size: 480 KB


Let Feedback Be Your Guide

Base future decisions regarding your services on feedback from your clients. Take into consideration the suggestions they may have given and how they rated each lecture and activity you gave them. In your feedback form, you may include their thoughts on

  • whether the activities were relevant to meeting the training objectives,
  • whether the training objectives were relevant to the needs of the participants and organization,
  • whether the trainer was effective in delivering information,
  • which parts of the activities did they like best and least, and
  • suggestions for improvement.


For more information of feedback, also see Student Feedback Forms.

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