In business, vendors and suppliers play a vital role in the overall operations of the business or organization. It is important for a business to have the right suppliers to provide them with the services and products needed by the business. They rely on these vendors to provide them with the needed quantity of products and services to ensure that the business runs smoothly and will be able to operate effectively. Good suppliers and vendors will be able to meet the needs of the business. So how do you accurately evaluate a particular supplier or vendor? Through a vendor evaluation, a business will be able to determine whether a particular supplier or vendor is fit to provide what is required by the business or if they need to look for other vendors or suppliers.

There are many different types of vendor evaluation forms depending on the type of vendor or supplier you are trying to assess. A vendor evaluation form also depends on a particular vendor’s aspect you are trying to evaluate. In this article, you will read about the definition of a vendor evaluation, the benefits of conducting a vendor evaluation, the steps in performing one, and the essential metrics that will be used in the evaluation process. We also have tips that will help guide you when creating your vendor evaluation. Aside from this information, there are also various types of vendor evaluation templates available for download in this article and on our website. You can browse through our website to check other evaluation forms should you need one.

Vendor Performance Evaluation for Construction Services

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Size: 914 KB


Printable Vendor Performance Evaluation Form Template

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Size: 174 KB


Tracking Vendor Performance Evaluation Form

File Format
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Size: 37 KB


New Vendor Evaluation Form Template

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  • PDF

Size: 68 KB


What Is a Vendor Evaluation Form?

Generally, a vendor evaluation form is a document that is used to evaluate or assess the performance of the vendor as well as the effectiveness and the efficiency of the transactions being provided to the consumers in a particular time period. Here is a more specific discussion on what a vendor evaluation form is:

  • A vendor evaluation form is a document used by consumers whether they are benefiting from the products and/or services that they acquire from a specific vendor when compared to what other vendors in the same industry can offer.
  • A vendor evaluation form is considered to be an essential platform for a consumer to assess the kind of professional relationship that is currently occurring between them and the vendor.
  • Vendor evaluation forms are used to associate the needs of a consumer and how vendors are able to provide these needs through time while considering trends and market shifts.


What Are the Benefits of Conducting a Vendor Evaluation?

Listed below are the benefits that consumers may get if proper vendor evaluation will be implemented:

  • Consumers will know how to transact with the specific vendor even more as they are already aware of the capability of the vendor to supply their needs.
  • Using a vendor evaluation can help clients to assure that they are getting the maximum potential of the professional relationship that they have with the vendor.
  • Vendor evaluations can be the medium where a consumer can precisely identify the strengths and weaknesses of a particular vendor, which can be one of the sources of data for comparison.
  • Properly using vendor evaluations can help consumers identify opportunities to improve their relationships either with the same vendor or to other vendors that can support the needs of their operations.


Basic Supplier/Vendor Evaluation Form

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Size: 39 KB


Simple Vendor Evaluation Form

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Size: 10 KB


Vendor Evaluation Form Sample

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  • PDF

Size: 36 KB


Vendor Selection Process

Here are the steps to help you select the best supplier or vendor for your business.

Step 1: Focus on the requirements of the business.

Before you start gathering all the necessary data and information needed for your evaluation, it is important that you first outline the requirements that your business needs. This includes defining the products, services, and materials that your business will need. Understanding the requirements of your business will help you easily select the right vendor for your company. It is also essential that you select an evaluation team that will effectively perform the assessment or evaluation.

Step 2: Searching for the right vendor.

Now that you have gathered all the necessary requirements and data, you can now search for possible vendors that can provide you with the materials, products, and services that you will need for your business. Always select from a number of vendor options in order to choose the best candidate to supply you with what your business will need.

Step 3: Requesting for a proposal from the list of vendors that you have selected.

Requesting for a proposal from your list of vendors is an essential step. Through the proposals submitted by the vendors, you will be able to select the right vendor as well as receive a quotation or prices of the materials, services, and products that the vendor will provide.

Step 4: Negotiation

The last step of the vendor selection process is the negotiation. You can negotiate a contract with the vendor that you have selected. In the contract negotiation, you can discuss the terms and conditions, the requirements of your business, and other relevant information regarding the contract.

The Things You Need to Include in Your Vendor Evaluation Form

There are elements that you need to include when creating a vendor evaluation form. The elements that need to be present in a vendor evaluation form are as follows:

  • The date that the performance evaluation will be implemented.
  • The metrics that should be honored and followed when performing the vendor evaluation. These metrics will help you accurately evaluate a particular vendor.
  • The specification on what kind of vendor evaluation will be executed. Depending on the supplier or vendor that you will be evaluating, your vendor evaluation form will also vary.
  • The subjects that will be the focus of the vendor evaluation.
  • The time duration that will be included in the assessment of the performance of the vendor. It is important that you specify the time frame or the duration allotted for the evaluation to ensure that you finish on time.
  • Instructions on how vendors will be assessed in cases by which the creator of the evaluation is not the same entity who will conduct the assessment. A vendor evaluation form should always include the steps needed to conduct the evaluation. This will help you evaluate the entity on a step-by-step basis.
  • The precise items and conditions that will be checked for the purpose of evaluation.
  • Guidelines on how the vendor evaluation form will be assessed. Having these guidelines will help guide you when conducting your assessment or evaluation.


Exhibit-Vendor Evaluation Form Sample

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Size: 545 KB


Graphic Design Vendor Evaluation Form Sample

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Size: 100 KB


Vendor Performance Evaluation for Professional Services

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 34 KB


Essential Vendor Evaluation Metrics

Just like any other evaluations, a vendor evaluation form can only be effective if there are already proper metrics that have been set and implemented prior to the actual date of assessment. Here are the vendor evaluation metrics that are important to be placed in the document or followed within the entirety of the evaluation duration.

  • The purpose of the vendor evaluation should be properly stated.
  • The measure or the kind of metrics that will be used should be accurately specified to produce the results needed by the consumers.
  • There should be proper timeline allocation by which data should be gathered, put together, and assessed.
  • The scoring or the evaluation board that can identify the output of the assessment should be properly formatted and organized to showcase results accordingly.
  • The kind of points that will be placed in the vendor performance evaluation form should be relevant to the purpose of the evaluation and must be aligned with one another.


Remember that there are different kinds of evaluation that consumers can implement on different time periods. The industry where the evaluation will be implemented can also provide an impact on how the evaluation will go. Ensure that the metrics specified above are properly executed and are connected with the field where the tool or document will be used.

Pointers for Performing Vendor Evaluations

If you are already on your way to performing the vendor evaluation, here are some tips and guidelines that you may follow so you may have an easier and faster time in implementing the processes that you will be needing.

  • Make sure that you will look on other templates of vendor performance evaluations to help you properly format or outline the content and layout of the specified document. You can download from the vendor evaluation form templates and samples that are available in this article as well as our website.
  • Curate the details that you will include in the vendor performance evaluation so you can maximize the usage of the tool in terms of getting the data that you would like to have.
  • Always be objective when performing a vendor evaluation as this assessment should be based on your experiences with the vendor and not on how you would like to favor one vendor over the other.
  • Make sure that you have gathered all the essential data and information that you will need to conduct your vendor evaluation.
  • Check all the information found in your vendor evaluation after you have created the document to ensure that it is free from any mistakes and errors.


In addition, aside from a vendor evaluation form, we also have other types of evaluation forms such as a product evaluation form sample, employee performance evaluation form, self-evaluation form sample, and a training evaluation form template that you can download on our website.

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