When you authorize someone for something, it means that you give that someone permission to do something for you or on your behalf. Just like authorization letters, authorization forms function the same way. The only difference between the two is their format. Work authorization forms come in different styles depending on the necessities of the transaction.

To help you find the work authorization form that works best for your needs, Sample Forms are shown below. Different samples are available for you to view or download online. There is no need for you to go through a lot of trouble. Just take some time to check these helpful work authorization forms.

Contractor Work Authorization Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 63 KB


Work Order Authorization Form Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 33 KB


Return to Work Authorization Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 59 KB


Work Study Authorization Form Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 141 KB


Kinds of Authorization Forms

These samples may be one that you have been looking for. We also have other authorization forms available, like the Credit Card Authorization Forms and the Medical Authorization Forms.

Contractor Work Authorization Form

This form is used for authorizing contractors. The contractors themselves will fill out the form and the contract administrator will then review its contents. The table layout makes the form look neat. The contractor’s name, signature, and the date when it is signed is also required.

Work Order Authorization Form

It is used for purchasing products or services. This work order authorization form contains information like the contact number, work order number, work order name, purchase order number, and the purchase order start and end date. The terms and conditions are also provided in this form to make sure that both sides agree on the same things. Both sides are also required to sign the form.

Return to Work Authorization Form

If you have been away from work because of sickness, you need to secure a return to work form for you to be able to get back to work. This form has a recommendation part where the employee may or may not be allowed to return to work. Other specifics are also provided. This is great because it will let your immediate superior know your condition, whether you are fit to do some tasks or not.

Work Authorization Verification Form

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  • PDF

Size: 120 KB


Additional Work Authorization Form

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Size: 46 KB


Field Work Authorization Form PDF

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Size: 87 KB


Employee Work Authorization Form

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Size: 102 KB


Work Authorization Permit Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 126 KB


Work Study Authorization Form

This form has a similar layout to that of an application form. It has three parts or sections, namely the identification information part, the school information part, and the work study information part. All the necessary information are already listed. All you need to do is fill out the form or check the check boxes.

The Main Aspects of Authorization

  • Role – This refers to the specific role of individuals in an organization.
  • Privilege – It refers to an individual’s right or advantage that is granted by people of authority. Sometimes privileges are only available to certain groups of people.
  • Action – That would be the actions that an individual can do or perform.
  • Span of Control – It sets a restriction to the actions that an individual can do or perform. This is sometimes because of organization policies, budget, etc.


Processes are made a lot easier and faster with the use of work authorization forms. Instead of bringing a certain boss or manager to a certain transaction, you can have authorization forms filled out and signed so that things can be done without the long wait for the person of authority. If you intend to get permission for whatever purpose, you can surely use these work authorization forms. You may also find Direct Deposit Authorization Forms useful. What are you waiting for? Download now!

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