Liquidity management is a theory widely describing a company’s ability to meet financial obligations through cash flow statements, funding activities, and capital management. Liquidity management can be challenging as it is affected by revenue and cost generating activities, capital and dividend plans, and tax strategies. Check out the liquidity management or financial analysis templates provided down below and choose the one that best fits your purpose.
What are the objectives of liquidity management?
The main purposes of cash and liquidity management are to free up all the company’s cash whilst reducing processing costs, to make this liquidity available when and where it is needed, and to make the most profitable use of any cash surpluses and/or if there are cash shortages to reduce funding costs.
13+ Liquidity Management Samples in PDF | DOC
1. Liquidity Management Sample
Liquidity management is the general concept of access to readily available cash in order to fund short-term investments, cover debts, and pay for goods and services. The template here consists of a document on The Evolving Role of Banks in Corporate Liquidity Management which will guide you on the growing importance of liquidity management, the role of banks in corporate liquidity management, components of efficient liquidity management solutions, and much more. Download the management analysis template now.
2. Basic Liquidity Management Template
The sample here consists of a chapter on basic liquidity management. After going through it you will be able to understand the tools of liquidity management, review the major forecasting techniques used by cash managers, examine the issues that are important in short-term borrowing and investing, identify the elements that influence investment and borrowing rates and learn how to compare different instruments and their effective yields or costs.
Make your concept clear and precise by downloading the sample now.
3. Liquidity Management Policy Sample
Get the example of liquidity management policy in this template and learn all about its purpose, scope, objective, philosophy, oversight, liquidity management, use of short-term debt and much more. Make your task easy and your ideas clear with the help of this template.
4. Liquidity Management for Mobile Money Providers
Refer to the Liquidity Management for Mobile Money Providers sample here. It will guide you on types of liquidity, liquidity management options, and provide questions & answers in the appendix section. It also consists of diagrams that will make you understand all about it easily. Hence, get your hands on this template now.
5. Corporate Liquidity Management Template
This corporate liquidity management sample talks about the Corporate Liquidity Management Module. The liquidity management module enables the optimization of liquidity available across multiple bank accounts and currencies. Get the complete document of sample management report to understand all about it.
6. Liquidity Risk Management Sample
Liquidity risk management in banks is referred to as the risk of being unable either to meet their obligations to depositors or to fund increases in resources as they fall due without experiencing unacceptable costs or losses. We have provided a template here which consists of an example of liquidity risk management. To get information about it, download the sample project management file now.
7. Treasury Liquidity Management Sample
Liquidity management is one of the key roles of the treasury and maintaining the right level of liquidity to protect against risks is of core importance. Check out the template provided here which includes the example of the treasury liquidity management.
8. Instruments of Active Liquidity Management
A self-study guide on liquidity management is provided in this template. Check out the learning objectives and then you can take the pre-test whose solutions are given at the end of the lesson. Download this template as it will be beneficial to serve your purpose. Not only you will gain information but you can also evaluate your knowledge on it.
9. Liquidity Management Developments Template
Have a look at the article assigned in this template on liquidity management developments. You will learn on what is all about, the evolution of liquidity management framework, liquidity developments during the years provided along with tables, diagrams & graphs, policy transmission – empirical evaluation, concluding observations and references. This will enhance you with proper ideas and knowledge that will lead you in creating an effective one for your purpose.
10. Liquidity Management and Commercial Banks
Effective liquidity management performs duties as an authentic tool through which commercial banks maintain the statutory essentials of the central bank as it affects the number of deposits to liquid resources and deposits to loans and advances. Since we have provided an example of a study on liquidity management and commercial banks in this template, you can just download and go through it.
11. Liquidity Management in PDF
A simple guide has been provided on liquidity management which will assist you in giving clear information and details in an easy way so that you can acquire it without much hassle. Give it a read and if the template seems to be essential for your use, then make use of its content.
12. Bank Liquidity Management Sample
We have provided research working papers on the theory “To sell or to borrow” of bank liquidity management in this template. This paper studies banks’ resolution of whether or not to borrow from the interbank market or to sell
assets in order to cover liquidity shortage in the presence of credit risk. Read it once and learn all about it.
13. Liquidity Management in DOC
A proper and well-constructed liquid management format is provided herein the doc file. Download it and edit or modify the entire sample as you want to. You can now avoid the struggle of creating a new one from scratch by using this sample. Get it now.
14. Liquidity Management Example
This file consists of an example of liquidity management in word format. Check it out and customize the parts you want to. Since your task has been made a lot simpler, you can download this template and get started immediately.
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