Corporate meeting are business-related meetings in which people are often affiliated or representing the same company, institution or establishment. A corporate meeting generally has the following characteristics: it is not organized by an external organization; the aim of this is to provide solution to the past, present and future problems of the company that needs to be attended immediately. Corporate Meetings tell where the company is and where is it heading. They are communication drivers behind organization’s success. Successful Corporate Meetings are productive, creative, well- focused, timely and well-led. With the very high standard that the Corporate Meeting visualizations give you, being the minute maker is surely a pressure in the shoulder.
It is essential to make minutes for a corporate meeting because it documents everything that happened during the whole duration of the said event. Every single decision and how it was processed should be well-documented and well-reported to avoid possible conflicts in the future. With this, making a corporate meeting template from scratch might be a very difficult task for you. To help you with this problem, we are offering different templates for minutes writing purposes, especially for your Corporate Meeting Minutes needs. Choose from these available templates and customize it according to your preferences.
For other templates needs in minute making and documentation or reports, we are also offering templates for Business Meeting Minutes, Academic Meeting Minutes, Club Meeting Minutes, Research Meeting Minutes, Safety Meeting Minutes, Charity Meeting Minutes and other printable meeting minutes, making minutes for meetings and even making summary for meeting minutes. What a great way to start your documentation! This article is not only offering you free and customizable templates but also tips and other important details that you need to know for your Corporate Meeting Minute needs.
10+ Corporate Meeting Minutes Samples
1. Corporate Meeting Minutes Sample

2. Basic Corporate Meeting Minutes

3. Annual Corporate Meeting Minutes

4. Corporate Shareholder Meeting Minutes

5. Art Promotion Corporate Meeting Minutes
6. Marketing Corporate Meeting Minutes
7. Annual Corporate Meeting Minutes Sample
8. Corporate Committee Meeting Minutes
9. Church Corporate Meeting Minutes
10. Governance Corporate Meeting Minutes
11. Professional Corporate Meeting Minutes
What Are Corporate Minutes?
Corporate minutes document what people talked about at formal meetings, such as actions taken or decisions made by the company. These minutes are usually taken by a secretary during a formal meeting. Corporate minutes should summarize key decisions made and they do not need to talk about every minute detail.
What Should Be Included in Meeting Minutes?
Meeting minutes should document the important decisions that were made, any actions that were taken, and key information that was shared. Minutes do not have to include every detail, but should have enough information to serve as a corporation’s “institutional memory.” Minutes typically include:
- Meeting date, time, and location
- Names of attendees and whether they missed any part of the meeting
- List of those absent
- Agenda items and brief descriptions
- Any voting actions and how each individual
How To Take Meeting Notes?
- Meeting Details – Write down the full name of your company, date and time of meeting, and location of meeting.
- Attendance – Write down who attends. Note any members who are absent. Note anyone who arrives late or anyone who leaves early. Note who is running the meeting and whether a quorum was present.
- Meeting Purpose – Record the purpose for the meeting: annual shareholders or directors meeting, hiring new employees, discussing new compensation, announcing new officers, issuance of stock, discussing financial activity.
- Acceptance of Prior Minutes – After a meeting, you should distribute the minutes to the other members for approval. The first item on the agenda of a meeting is generally to accept the minutes from the previous meeting. If anyone objects, note the objection. If you must make revisions, not the change.
- Discussion Notes – Summarize the discussion about the agenda items. Note any documents that the attendees are reviewing. Attach a copy of the document to the minutes.
- Record Votes – If any votes are held, you must record the results.
- Adjournment – Note time of adjournment and time and date of next meeting.
What are corporate meeting minutes?
Corporate meeting minutes are a record that’s taken at formal meetings of managers of corporations. The minutes describe the actions and decisions that managers take at company meetings. A secretary or acting secretary usually takes the meeting minutes, but the task can be delegated to almost any capable individual.
Why are corporate meetings important?
Minutes are important details that you can’t ignore if you want to keep your business in line with state laws, and to back up your tax returns. Minutes represent the actions of the Board and company leadership, and are considered legal documents by auditors, and others.
Who should sign the Corporate Meeting Minutes?
Corporate minutes are the official records of the association. Once approved by the board, the minutes are signed by the secretary. Minutes become prima facie evidence of the matters contained in the minutes.
Being a meeting minute writer might be a difficult task for others but doing this for the benefit of the people, you’ll be as satisfied as ever. To help you with your organization ideas and needed templates, we offer you our Schedule Organizer, Task Organizer, Task Report, Task Checklist, Shift Rotation Schedule, etc. What are you waiting for? Avail our templates now!
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