Being able to establish proper cooperation and collaboration in a team, company, or organization is paramount. The members and the team leaders should be able to communicate with each other clearly by gathering routine feedback from one another. Everybody that is affiliated with the business, especially in the management department, must be able to view and participate in the decision making process of the whole company. That is why management meetings are important to keep the whole team on track for whatever project they may be working on, and set some of its managerial issues straight. It often keeps the management at maximum efficiency. Speaking of maximum, meetings are incomplete if the minutes of the meeting are not drafted. This enables the whole committee to keep track of everything that has transpired for the duration of the meeting, every detail taken into account. The minutes of the meeting are just as important as the meeting themselves.

Minutes of the meeting are the notes that have been recorded during the duration of the meeting. It highlights the key issues that have been discussed, motions that have been proposed and approved or denied, items that have been voting on, and the tasks that need to be completed. It serves as a clear outline and a record for anyone that was unable to attend the management meeting. Minutes essentially cover what happened during the meeting and what decisions were made. It’s an important tool for communication in and around the management, especially for departments like risk and HR. When important decisions have to be made that will ultimately affect the whole team and/or organization, minutes of the meeting can help disseminate the information properly and keep everyone, especially members under management, well informed. To properly familiarize yourself with the document, what it looks and how it works, check out these management meeting minutes samples that we have listed  down below. After getting yourself properly acquainted, you can then use these samples as a guide or even as a template for your own management meeting minutes.

10+ Management Meeting Minutes Samples

1. Management Meeting Minutes Sample

management meeting minutes sample

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Apple pages


2. Senior Management Meeting Minutes

senior management meeting minutes

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Apple pages


3. Risk Management Meeting Minutes

risk management meeting minutes

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Apple pages


4. HR Management Meeting Minutes

hr management meeting minutes sample

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Apple pages


5. Management Committee Meeting Minutes

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 938 KB


6. Labour Management Committee Meeting Minutes

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 105 KB


7. Project Management Meeting Minutes

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 10 KB


8. Management Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 85 KB


9. Advisory and Risk Management Meeting Minutes

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 92 KB


10. Management Team Meeting Minutes

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 72 KB


11. Management Review Meeting Minutes

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 18 KB


What Is a Management Meeting Minutes?

Management meeting minutes are, well they’re just minutes of the meeting. Only for more specific circumstances such as management meeting. Not much is different, only the content. Minutes of the meeting are used in a wide variety of ways such as tracking progress, detailing future plans, and to serve as a solid reference point. Minutes also reflect the record of motions, votes, and the attendance of the members of the management that was part of the meeting. Its essentially an official summary of what transpired. A record of actions of the management, not verbatim words, more of a summary of their actions ad decisions. A designated member of the managements is usually assigned to take the minutes of the meeting, most of the time the managerial secretary. Their task is to be able to note and record everything that has transpired in the meeting.

What Should Be Included in a Management Meeting Minutes?

The appointed individual should clearly know the tasks that they are assigned with and the parameters for the minutes of the meeting.  If they are unsure of their task, they should approach the managerial head and ask for the parameters of the document and the format for the minutes of the meeting. For example, if voting will take place during the meeting, they should ask whether they’ll include the names of the voter in the tally or not. And before actually recording any information, the person has to be familiar first with every detail that they will jot down. Some managerial boards like risk management departments and HR, might have their own formats to record the minutes. Regardless, minutes of the meeting would usually include the following details.

  • Date
    • Exact date and time of when the meeting took place, following a proper dating format.
  • Attendance
    • Name of attendees, list of the attendance, and a separate list for tardy and absences.
  • Motions regarding the minutes of the previous meeting
    • Amendments, acceptances, and motions made pertaining to the minutes of the last official meeting
  • Motions and decisions regarding the current agenda
    • Activities and tasks that need to be accomplished
    • Steps to take moving forward
    • Voting outcomes
    • Motions that have been approved or rejected
    • Old, new, and recent businesses
    • Details for the next managerial meeting

After the meeting adjourns, the person appointed to take the minutes of the meeting should be able to gather the resources they need to be able to complete the document in a clear and presentable manner. Bear in mind to write the final draft of the minutes while everything is still fresh in your mind, or when you’ve had sufficient notes for everything. Review the information listed, add or clarify the information when necessary.


What are helpful tips for taking the minutes of the meeting?

  • Use a template like the ones we’ve provided above
  • Take attendance as members arrive
  • Make introductions for everyone and create a list of attendees
  • Keep track of everything as they happen during the meeting
  • Seek clarification as needed
  • Make sure that your notes are clear and concise

What is another term for management?

Management is a broad process that comprises of planning, organizing, actuating and controlling. Used to determine and accomplish the objectives that the organization has set using human resources.

What should be discussed in a management meeting?

  • Performance conversations
  • Performance review
  • Improvements
  • Goal setting
  • Feedback and recognition
  • Growth and development
  • Compensation and benefits

Meeting minutes are crucial documents because they can greatly amplify the communication possibilities of the management from their management meetings. Especially when the meetings cover decisions or projects that affect the organization or the team on a major level.

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