Workplaces are dynamic environments that, more often than not, expose workers and employees to a wide variety of hazards. Especially work environments that involve a lot of moving objects and machinery such as construction sites and laboratories. Regardless, health and safety management should always be a priority for every company, business, site, or project in the world. It is imperative for every team to establish a good, safe, and risk free working environment. They can do that by implementing a comprehensive management plan that sets parameters for every member or employee of the company lest they are involved in any sort of health risk and safety hazard. And to be able to establish a good safety plan, risk management meetings are periodically conducted for most companies or businesses. And with meetings, come minutes of the meeting. A vital document that is just as important as the meeting themselves.
Risk management typically involves manpower. Because you’d want the whole team to be aptly informed of the parameters that the health and safety manager has set, and to keep everyone on the same page with the risks and hazards on site. They need to have proper communication with one another. That is why to supplement the already established medium of communication through periodical meetings, minutes of a meeting has to be drafted as well. Minutes of the meeting are the notes that are drafted to record the events which took place during the risk management meeting. The document highlights issues that have been covered, the motions and inquiries that have been made, and any voting that might have been passed.
It’s a solid outline for those who haven’t been able to attend the meeting, and a solid reference point for future risk management meetings. It presents the information in a clear and concise manner, keeping everyone up to speed. Especially those who need to be informed immediately like the members of the team of the rest of the management body of the company. To properly familiarize yourself with the document, check out these risk management meeting minutes samples that we have listed for you down below. Once you’ve familiarized yourself with how it works and what it looks like, you can also then use these as a guide or even as a template for your own minutes of the meeting.
10+ Risk Management Meeting Minutes Samples
1. Risk Management Meeting Minutes Template

2. Risk Management Meeting Minutes
3. Risk Management Committee Meeting Minutes
4. Audit Risk Management Meeting Minutes
5. Risk Management Meeting Summary Minutes
6. Audit Risk Management Committee Meeting Minutes
7. Business Risk Management Meeting Minutes
8. Joint Risk Management Meeting Minutes
9. Risk Management Board Meeting Minutes
10. Insurance Risk Management Meeting Minutes
11. Risk Management Authority Meeting Minutes
What Is a Risk Management Meeting Minutes?
Risk management meeting minutes are essentially just minutes of the meeting, only specifically written for risk management meetings. Its just about the same document, only the contents and the context really differ. Its a document that contain a written record of the meeting conducted by the risk management team or department, although it can be done for meetings by other departments as well such as marketing, admin, and even faculty. The document can serve a multitude of purposes like tracking the progress of a management plan, provide details for future health and safety meetings, and serve as a reference point for archival purposes.
It contains records of the motions that have been passed, items that were voted on, decisions made, and a list of the attendees of the meeting. It’s more of a summary of the events that took place, not really a verbatim transcript of what was said. It’s usually drafted by an appointed member of the board, most of the time by the secretary.
What Should Be Included in a Risk Management Meeting Minutes
The individual assigned to write the minutes of the meeting have to have a crystal clear idea of what the designated task is and how their supposed to do it. If they are unsure of the parameters of the document, they should then approach their supervisor or the team leader for clarifications. A good example for this is in a scenario where voting typically happen on the meeting. They should inquire whether they’ll have to include the names of the voters in the tally or not. Some groups or other companies may have their own formats in writing the document. Regardless, it should contain the same following components.
- Date
- The date and time of when the meeting took place should be reflected, following a proper dating format
- Attendance
- A list of the attendees, people absent, and tardy
- Motions regarding the past minutes of the meeting
- The agreements of the minutes of the last meeting should be reflected, as well as inquiries or clarifications made
- Motions of the current agenda
- Activities that need to be done and progress that need to be made
- Steps and proceedings
- Outcomes of any voting on the meeting
- Motions that have been raised, approved, or denied
- Recent accomplishments and businesses
- Details for the next meeting such as possible agenda, date, and venue
Once the meeting ends, the appointed taker of the minutes should be able to gather the resources they need to complete the document. It’s more than just slapping a bunch of information in a piece of paper, they actually have to try and draft it in a summarized manner that makes sense. Review and outline the important information, and clarify when necessary.
Who should approve the minutes of the meeting?
Minutes of the meetings are usually signed by the board secretary, or if it’s necessary for the company, the president themselves.
What are the three E’s of safety?
Evaluation, Education, and Enforcement
What are the four basic principles of safety management?
Safety policy, safety risk management, safety assurance, and safety promotion.
Yes, having the right procedures and systems in place is important, but it will just be eventually useless if not everyone if properly informed and notified. Meetings and minutes of the meetings help supplement those parameters by making sure everyone is aptly informed about the possible safety hazards of the workplace and how to avoid work related accidents.
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