In the ye olde days of the middle ages, bridges were built from cobblestone, timber, and the sweat of working men. Then came the revolution of cement, cable wires, and architecture. Now the internet forms bridges between websites through IRLPs, hyperlinks, and servers. However, many of these transactions don’t come with a signed consent form and are hazardous to confidential information. So, what do you do to protect your data?

Sample Linking Policies

It isn’t unfamiliar news to hear stories of people in rather precarious incidents. Situations such as looking up medical information in situations where they should’ve called 911 are some of the most well-known. Thankfully, it isn’t always life-threatening and, in most cases, they’re simply an inconvenience. Linking policies solve this problem as they govern the usage of your information—be it your cyber business, cloud information, or personal details—by enforcing website terms and conditions or disclaimers.

1. Sample Linking Policy

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Businesses on the wide web rely on two things to be successful. First, they need loyal content users and, second, the ability to generate traffic. Take, for example, Comporium Communications—a well-known internet provider. Their internet telephone and net plans draw in customers, while their website makes web traffic. This gives them a competitive advantage in the market and better revenue. Learn how you can use the website traffic and links to your convenience by downloading this free and easy-to-understand Sample Linking Policy.

2. Sample State Linking and Privacy Policy

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Society can be as hard-headed as a herd of angry bulls. Most of the time, no matter how concise the instructions are, there is a need for follow-ups and constant reminders. Sadly, there is no way you can just record the details and play them on a repeater—or can you? This Sample State Linking and Privacy Policy is an excellent document to utilize, provided its implementation was successful. Its stipulations are robust and practical, while also providing you a layout should you want to draft your own text.

3. Sample Information Technology Policy

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Information technology specialists are known to be well-rounded tech-savvies who can handle situations varying from automated internal audit reports to connection problems in the office. They are an invaluable human resource to have in this new age of hyperlinks and encoded jargon. That is why having an Information Technology Policy, such as the provided sample here, is highly-beneficial and very much recommended to use. This template is easy to understand, free to download, and guides your IT workforce when they need it.

4. Sample Data Security Policy

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With th existence of hackers, online identity thieves, and websites designed for Phishing, keeping your data safe isn’t as easy as hiring a security guard. There is the option of finding specialists in this matter, but due to the uniqueness of this service, the service toll is pretty high. The cheaper and—frankly—more effective alternative is by ensuring your staff follows a Data Security Policy. The sample provided is free to use, convenient to download, and is more affordable, costing you only $ 0.00!

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Multiple firms utilize hyperlinking as a means of advertisement for their products and services. This marketing strategy works effectively on websites with regular, trigger-happy visitors who’ll click links on sight. However, for certain sites that share medical or legal information, this can be a hassle as people might assume helpful hyperlinks as a mere endorsement. To solve this problem, why not use this Sample External Link Disclaimer Policy to provide your viewers assurance that the information provided isn’t just trying to hook you to buy, but also contains relevant information they’re looking for.

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Entrepreneurs have caught onto a new trend: cooperating with websites that have domain authority. Instead of blatantly advertising their products and services, companies want to be engrained onto the content of these sites as external links. However, this innovative process also comes with high risks. Loss of privacy and viewers is a primary concern within this partnership. That is why boundaries need to be set. This Sample Privacy Statement and External Links Disclaimer is an excellent document to use as a template for your text as it’s easy to use, free to download, and safely convenient.

7. Sample Website Disclaimer

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Before you go any further, imagine this scenario: you are managing a legal information website. You know very well that the information you provide on the site is just that; information. However, one day, you receive a legal letter and it states that someone is suing you because they “followed the advice provided on your page,” and it turned out to be the reason they lost the case. This entire mess could’ve been avoided by simply providing a Website Disclaimer, such as the sample provided above.

8. Generic Website Disclaimer

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website disclaimer is considered properly implemented when viewers are well aware of its existence and if they can understand the text within. This is a challenge for most people if they’re unfamiliar with creating a robust and comprehensible document. In this instance, a template is advised. When you’re unsure of how to make this document, the best thing you can do is use this easy-to-understand and free-to-use Generic Website Disclaimer!

9. Sample Internet Disclaimer

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Website disclaimers serve multiple purposes. They can be used to inform visitors of a site about certain links being used and their contents. Most commonly, however, disclaimers remove liability from websites if anything goes wrong. This Sample Internet Disclaimer is an excellent template to use as a guide for link disclaimers and also provides a checklist of what a useful website is.

10. Sample Internet Usage Policy

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Internet usage comes at a cost, and yet few people are willing, or even able, to overcome this. All this fuss about online privacy and data tracking isn’t a mirage either; they are real threats to the personal lives of people and corporate companies. Things as small as hyperlinking a lousy website, opening non-work-related pages, or even utilizing shady apps can cause viruses and security breaches. Save yourself all this hassle by using this Sample Internet Usage Policy. This document serves as parameters for your employees to follow when accessing this highly-convenient, yet a deceptively-harmful commodity.

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