Based on statistical surveys and studies, there are 42% of kids that have been bullied online, 21% kids who have received mean or threatening e-mail or other messages, 14% who have received mean or hurtful comments online, and many more cases online that have been experienced by many students. To ensure confidentiality of your students’ data especially within the school premises, you need to create and implement a school data protection policy. In this article, we provide our unique downloadable templates for you to get started. Scroll until the end of the article!
FREE 10+ School Data Protection Policy Samples
1. School Data Protection Policy Template
2. Model Data Protection Policy for School
3. Statement of School Data Protection Policy
4. Secondary School Data Protection Policy
5. Printable Data Protection Policy
6. School Staff Data Protection Policy
7. Simple School Data Protection Policy
8. School Data Protection Policy Framework
9. Basic Data Protection Policy
10. School Personal Data Protection Policy
11. School Data Protection Policy Format

What is a School Data Protection Policy?
The book “Teaching Assistant’s Handbook” explains that elementary schools to universities should have a school data protection or ICT policy which will provide specific guidelines for using and working with ICT in the classroom. Educators and teachers should set certain routines and guidance for the use of equipment in their school facilities.
So, a school data protection policy is an important tool to bring the primary goals and objectives of the school with regard to the children’s experiences and opportunities in utilizing ICT. Plus, it includes requirements for safety, for storage, and security of ICT equipment, as well as Internet usage and the accessibility of websites that are appropriate for schools.
How to Create a School Data Protection Policy
Prior to creating a school data protection policy, you need to understand ICT issues and be able to apply them to education. To maintain safety and protect your students from harmful effects of online platforms especially social media, find out about what measures your school has in place related to ICT.
So, here are some important guides and tips that we recommend you to follow:
1. Identify the problems and issues
Use some research tools such as surveys, interviews, observations, and many more as you gather some information about the condition of your students when it comes to their usage of computers or ICT. Be attentive and ask several students and teachers if they know about some students who have been struggling when using online platforms due to cyberbullying, invasion of data privacy, etc.
2. Establish the main purpose and aim of the policy
What specific rules and regulations that you want to implement in school for the electronic safety of your students? The book “The Data Protection Officer” stated that data protection laws protect the personal information of individuals. Think carefully and establish the main purpose and aim of your policy. Consider a specific level or rate set for the selected objective for your school data protection policy.
3. Structure your writings according to related topics
The next step is to structure all of your writings in a logical and reasonable manner. So, examine the points you’ve written down and observe if the format and layout is clear and comprehensible.
4. Be aware of several legal requirements related to ICT usage
You need to be informed and aware of several legal requirements that exist and are relevant to ICT usage in schools, academies, universities, and other learning institutions such as the Data Protection Act 1998. Make sure that any data or information which is confidentially held or seen is not passed onto others. Only use information as they are intended.
An article explained that “it is not explicitly stated in the GDPR that every data controller must have a written policy. But, depending on your organization and the scale of your processing, it may be helpful to have one. In most cases, it would be a good idea to have one as it helps you to meet your obligations under the law.”Is it a legal requirement to have a data protection policy?
Schools need to display clear privacy notices to ensure GDPR compliance. The primary goal of a privacy notice is to show and summarize what information the school requires, why this information is being gathered, and which third-parties are private to such data.How do schools comply with data protection?
The Data Protection Act only applies to information used to identify an individual or their personal details while GDPR extends that scope to have location data, genetic information, online identification markers, and many more.What’s the difference between GDPR and Data Protection Act?
The main principles of the data protection act are accuracy, confidentiality, accountability, lawfulness, fairness and transparency, purpose limitation, data minimisation, integrity and storage limitation.What are the principles of the data protection act?
In conclusion, data protection compliance is vital for all organizations, and businesses especially schools, academies, and universities. Data protection is very significant in respecting the personal data of various individuals like the students and teachers, to keep everyone in peace and safety. Due to the mainstream media, there is an increasing number of recent data loss and data breach incidents. We hope that this article helps you create an effective school data protection policy that will surely benefit your students and teachers. Download our templates right now!
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