Employees have a legal right to be safe and secure in the workplace. Under the law, employers are responsible for not just the health and safety of the employees, but to the whole work environment. It is their duty to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the people in and out of the business, especially those who might be directly affected. They must do whatever is reasonably practicable to achieve this sense of safety and security. Essentially, it means that they have to make sure that employees and the public are protected from anything that may cause them harm, properly controlling any hazards or risks to injury that could potentially arise in the workplace.
Employers have a duty to assess hazards and risks in the workplace. Assessments should be carried out regularly and policies must be established to be sure to address all risks and hazards that might cause harm in your workplace. A policy clearly states what the employer intends to do about showing commitment and support for health and safety in the workplace. It also provides a set of guidelines to be completely followed and provide ample consultations and evaluations to your employees regarding the possible health and safety matters that might affect them. Establishing a set of policies is critical in every workplace around the world.
Employees might be constantly exposed to various workplace hazards and it’s important to have that covered. A safe workplace boosts your employee’s confidence and efficiency, and it also keeps your business running by avoiding potential incidents that may hinder its overall business operations. Listed below are several health and safety policy samples that you can use to help you establish your own policy statements, and you can even use them as a template.
10+ Workplace Health and Safety Policy Samples
1. Workplace Health and Safety Policy
2. Workplace Health and Safety Program Policy
3. Occupational Workplace Health and Safety Policy
4. Workplace Health and Safety Policy Statement
5. Sample Workplace Health and Safety Policy
6. Covid-19 Workplace Health and Safety Policy
7. Company Workplace Health and Safety Policy
8. Standard Workplace Health and Safety Policy
9. Printable Workplace Health and Safety Policy
10. Workplace Health and Safety Promotion Policy
11. Workplace Health and Safety Procedure Policy
What Is a Workplace Health and Safety Policy?
A workplace health and safety policy showcases an employer’s commitment towards promoting health and safety in the workplace. It includes statements regarding the responsibilities of the employer, supervisors, and other employees down the chain of command. It is a written, live document that outline potential hazards in the workplace and establishes the policies that the company use such as controls and practices on site. It ensures that the employees can operate confidently in a safe and secure environment and that they will be taken care of after the event of an accident or other matters that might compromise their health and safety. It should also cover other components of the work health and safety organization such as the planning process for accidents and prevention of ill health, the chain of command for responsibilities, and the practices, the procedures and resources for developing and implementing, and maintaining the policy itself.
What to Include in a Workplace Health and Safety Policy
The policy should be written clearly and comprehensibly, making sure that everybody is aware of what the policies are and how they work. The factors that have to be covered are quite broad and you have to make sure that it is discussed and established thoroughly without leaving any detail behind. Most businesses set out their policy in three sections.
- The statement
- The statement of the policy on health and safety at work sets out your commitment to effective health and safety management, and what you want to achieve with this policy.
- The responsibility
- This section lists out the chain of command. Who is responsible for specific health and safety actions in the workplace.
- The arrangements
- This section contains all the details of what you are going to do in practice to achieve the aims established in your statement section.
Additional arrangements
These are additional actions you as an employer can take to manage health and safety in the workplace. They should be set out in the arrangements section of your policy. These depend entirely on any specific nature of your workplace, but they could include:
- Staff training
- Workplace signage
- Safety equipment such as PPEs, security guards, etc.
- Hazards alternative
- Improved lighting
- Anti-slip flooring
That should cover most, if not everything. Be sure to focus your attention on the activities that could present a risk to your employees and the people around the site or cause serious harm.
What is a work safety plan?
A safety plan is a written document that outline the procedures to identify various physical and psychosocial health and safety hazards that could potentially harm employees, procedures to prevent accidents and breaches in health and safety, and important steps to take whenever such incident may occur.
What are the components of a health and safety policy?
Safety training, safe work systems, environmental control, safe place or work, house keeping, internal communication and participation, fire safety and prevention, first aid procedures, and accident reporting.
What is a good safety plan?
A good workplace safety plan is a comprehensive outline of how the company works to be able to create a safe and secure working environment.
Having the right policies in place is essential to avoid health and safety problems in the workplace. It is good business practice not just to ensure that your business continues to thrive, but most importantly, keep everyone in and out of your workplace safe and sound. Health and safety is always important. Work is always there, businesses can always be recovered, but one’s health is not something that is expendable, and it is crucial to preserve that one life we have.
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