The fashion industry is an ever evolving industry throughout the whole world. It is heavily dictated by whatever trend the majority is currently following, whatever the people buy and want to buy. Sometimes, the trends are not even the same between one place and another. But the fashion industry don’t just compose of fashion designers designing clothes that follow the trend. Of course, it has to be sustained by various companies who mass produce these designs and items of clothing to be then distributed to the retailers and the consumers. The garment industry follows  an increasingly complex consumer desires, demands, and worldwide fashion trends, and employs millions of people around the world.

Garment companies are huge manufacturers of clothing items that are then distributed to retailers. It is a huge industry given the constant demand worldwide and because clothing has always been a part of our lives ever since. Its not highly competitive, but the industry is very centralized and with companies leading the industry by millions worth of dollars, it is still a challenge to stand out. Garments company profiles provide a great opportunity for the company so attract prospective clients and investors to ensure a continuous flow of profit and constant growth, Check out these company profile samples listed below to help you draft a well written company profile today.

10+ Garments Company Profile Samples

1. Garments Company Profile Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3 MB


2. Garments Company Profile Format

garments company profile format

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2MB


3. General Garments Company Profile

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  • PDF

Size: 4 MB



4. Basic Garments Company Profile

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  • PDF

Size: 3 MB


5. Standard Garments Company Profile

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  • PDF

Size: 9 MB


6. Editable Garments Company Profile

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  • PDF

Size: 9 MB


7. Professional Garments Company Profile

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  • PDF

Size: 5 MB


8. Formal Garments Company Profile

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  • PDF

Size: 605 KB


9. Strategic Garments Company Profile

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  • PDF

Size: 4 MB


10. Creative Garments Company Profile

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  • PDF

Size: 337 KB


11. Printable Garments Company Profile

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 4 MB


What Is a Garments Company Profile?

Company profiles are quick snapshots of your company and its services to prospective clients and investors that might be interested in possibly availing your products. Its main purpose is to gauge and attract their attention to make them want to buy your products and services. Like an advertisement, but much more professional and is presented as a document. Company profiles usually contain your company’s background and history, your milestones and achievements over the years, the specifics of the product you are trying to sell, and why you sell these products.

Garments company profiles provide relevant details regarding your company and the industry as a whole. You may want to include the current fashion trends today that make you manufacture a certain piece of clothing, or how you keep up with the worldwide fashion trends. Overall, its a document that attracts prospects, and a well written company profile can easily boost your company’s recognition in the market.

How to Write a Garments Company Profile

Drafting a company profile may not be the hardest thing in the world, but there are still key steps to keep in mind. These steps ensure the coherence and consistency of your profile, and provide you with a rough but adequate enough outline to know what information you should be including. It keeps the profile concise, straight to the point, engaging and interesting while remaining as professional as possible. These key steps will be discussed more in detail below.

1. Establish your purpose

Though it might be commonly used as a marketing document, different companies also use company profiles for a variety of purposes. Such as investment plans, tax reports, trade agreements, and even just for website use. Each purpose has a distinct style of presentation and you have to establish yours firsthand to help with consistency. The purpose should also help you figure out what additional information you may or may not want to include.

2. Pick a style

Establishing your purpose should make picking the style much easier. The style dictates how the information is presented and the overall aesthetic of your profile. You can choose a more visually appealing theme or you can go for more text based, its up to you. Just make sure that the presentation is clear and easy to understand, we don’t want to confuse your readers, or worse, present ourselves as tacky with no sense of style.

3. Tell a story

Stories are a good way to connect with your readers, it makes your company a lot more relatable and would garner more customer interactions. You could tell them about the history of your company and how it came to be today, your milestones and achievements over the years, the distinct style of the garments that you produce, your company’s attitude towards good service quality, your mission vision values, and more. It may seem like its a lot of information, yes it is, that’s why you have to let the profile present these for you. Don’t just slap a couple paragraphs of your history in it, only include the most important ones and the most striking ones. The rest of the details, you can provide them when they want to know more.

4. Include contact information

Now don’t forget to put the contact details of your company. A profile is pretty much useless when there’s no way for the customers to reach out after reading it. Include details such as contact numbers, address of your company office or base of operations or your physical shop, and website if you have one.


Are shoes garments?

Nope. Shoes are classified as accessories, not pieces of clothing.

Where are most garments manufactured?

China is the world’s leading and largest textile and garment producing and exporting country with a share of 30.8 percent, followed by the EU, Bangladesh, and Vietnam.

What is the most expensive fabric in the world?

Wool is the most expensive and luxurious fabric in the world, which comes from the Vicuna sheep and can only be shorn off once every two years.

Although global demand is constantly there and is always evolving, it is surprising that the garments industry is not the leading industry in the world. It may be because the industry is very centralized with only a few bouts of competition. Some garments companies might even be supplying the same fashion companies that are competitors of each other. Either way, the industry pays well and actually continues to grow today, and have not shown any signs of stopping in the near future.

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