There is no easy way to build a franchise. From a business proposal to company management, the road to successful entrepreneurship is long, winding, and filled with the corpses of failed businesses. So, how do you travel through complicated legal documents and numerous business decisions? You prepare yourself. Like a trekker through vast terrain, if you’re unfamiliar with what you’re doing, you’ll get lost, so be prepared. Suit up, ready the materials you need, and use a map to guide you to your destination.

What is a Business Roadmap?

As easy as it would be to just sit down and watch the world burn, convenience is meant to be a commodity you provide and not the factor you seek. Your top priority should be business operations going smoothly and according to your development and marketing plan. However, this isn’t exactly the easiest feat to achieve. The difficulty of keeping a business together comes in your continuous advancement efforts, risk management, and damage mitigation.

As such, utilizing a document that provides you with a format that fits your specifications proves to be exceedingly useful. This is where a business roadmap comes in handy. Akin to a progress report, this document is perfect for expanding your entrepreneurial ventures and reassuring your business team that you have a plan for success.

A Trampled Road

An old proverb verbally passed on through the ages is that “the road to success is long and harsh.” Despite its old age, it still holds true today. Successful businesses weren’t made in a day; they grew over time as they accumulated the necessary resources required to prosper. Think of franchise management as a long and perilous journey: the road is and paved with the remains of other fallen enterprises, and the one thing standing between you and utter failure is a map leading to your location. A business roadmap may not blatantly show you the big, red “X” on the sand, but a well-planned document secures your entrepreneurial future.

6+ Business Roadmap Samples

1. Standard Business Roadmap Sample

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  • PDF

Size: 409.2 KB


2. Smart Business Roadmap Template

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Size: 606.0 KB


3. Small Business Roadmap Sample

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  • PDF

Size: 182.2 KB


4. Business Processes Roadmap Template

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  • PDF

Size: 3.4 MB


5. Business Architecture Roadmap Sample

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  • PDF

Size: 209.1 KB


6. Business Industry Roadmap Template

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  • PDF

Size: 141.3 KB


7. Roadmap to Business and Human Rights Conference

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 251.9 KB


How to Make a Business Roadmap

There are numerous business manuals, papers, and research that talk about a central topic: effectively running a business. Various corporations and high-end individuals run seminars and educate people and small business owners on this matter. However, all these are summed up by an effective business roadmap. So, if you want a quality roadmap, the best way to ensure this is by making one yourself using these tips and tricks.

1. Set Goals and Objectives

What is the ultimate goal of your business? Is it to be the number one supplier of fresh bread on your block? To be a more successful gaming format than what’s already available? To revolutionize your field of commerce expertise? Having a definite and achievable goal based on your resources and capabilities gives both your business roadmap and your entrepreneurial career direction.

2. Divide by Department

Whether a small business or a multimillion-dollar corporation, entrepreneurship is never a one-man job. The more work there is to be done, the more valuable departments become. Departments divide the workload into more manageable chunks for a more efficient system. As such, different departments will have particular tasks that need to be done which, ultimately connect to your main objective so your business roadmap should portray this.

3. Have Checkpoints

Checkpoints are a simple, yet necessary part of making a business roadmap. They allow you to take a breather and rejuvenate your will to work after burning out on project management. They also give you an opportunity to reflect on progress made to improve future endeavors and processes.

4. Use Methods of Risk and Damage Reduction

No matter how well you plan out your business, nothing is ever set in stone. There will be unfortunate and unpredictable occurrences such as natural disasters, malfunctions, or general and random mistakes. As such, risk assessment and damage mitigation is key to a business roadmap. Implementing regulations and safety precautions gives you and your staff knowledge on handling these types of situations.

For all it’s sporadic and creative nature, if your business runs entirely on impromptu decisions and lacks proper planning, it won’t last long. Hence, utilizing a business roadmap to secure your entrepreneurial future and provide a format you can conveniently follow boosts your probability of success. Do take note, however, that no matter how effectively you make your plan, not making the best out of it only downgrades your document into the level of a fancy decoration.

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